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Websites support

Some websites may be censored by ISPs with DNS tricks. AirVPN uses internal neutral DNS, so websites may be unlocked without need to be listed here. However, it might occur that websites either discriminate contents on a country origin request basis or they are censored by ISPs.
Known websites are reported here, to check whether AirVPN supports them.
For the supported website, a double-hop with our routing servers is performed. For example to watch BBC from any Air servers in any countries.
Only our staff can open a topic here. Submit your report in this forum. Popular requests are prioritized. Websites description and logo are taken from public metakeyword in their homepage.

Tags legend:

  • ready : Restriction avoided with Air servers.
  • censored : Censored by some country or ISP. Not a website owner fault.
  • georestricted : Content censored by website owner, typically based on geolocation filters.
  • blacklisted : Access from our servers is closed by website owner.


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