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Hi There! Recently I'm having issues with my connection speed. I used to be able to hit about 1.25 MBs on torrents, but about 2 weeks ago I noticed a massive slowdown in speed, now I'm lucky if I can hit 100 KBs. I've tried switching around servers with lower latency, changing the protocol connection settings without any meaningful change in speed. I have a port forwarding enabled, so I tried changing the enabled forwarded port with no change in speed. When disconnected from the VPN, speed on the torrent is about 3 MBs. I ran a speedtest on the website 


Down: 32.699 Mbit/s Out, 12.695 Mbit/s In (38%), 20MB - Up: 10.437 Mbit/s Out, 8.565 Mbit/s In (82%), 20MB - Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 23:27:29 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 86.50 secs
I'm on a windows machine using the AirVPN client and Vuze for torrents,
Speed should be well above what I'm getting while torrenting, and I can't figure out where the throttle is. Any thoughts?

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We don't know your setup. OpenVPN logs could help with that.


Sent via Tapatalk. Means, I don't have a computer available now.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Which router are you using? How do you connect the machine to the router?

What kind of antivirus and/or firewall suites are running on your machine, if any? Any installations of software, changes in Windows settings or even Windows update before the issue started to occur?


Your logs are green on first sight.


Sent via Tapatalk. Means, I don't have a computer available now.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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I think I've found the solution, although it has never given me any trouble in the past, after some further googling I unchecked in Vuze


Tools / Options / Plugins / uTP / Enabled


after a quick restart my speed seems to have settled back at normal (for now). I have no idea what made this setting suddenly f*** with my speed, but at least I can stop pulling my hair out.


Thanks a lot for your help anyhow.

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