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Found 15 results

  1. Hi everyone! I’m new to port forwarding and VPNs, and I’ve recently joined some private trackers that require a port-forwardable VPN. I’m having a bit of trouble figuring things out and could really use some help. I’m currently using qBittorrent, which shows as connectable, but when I run the test port on AirVPN, I get an error code 110. I’ve followed a few online tutorials, but I’m still confused about what I might be doing wrong. If anyone has Discord or another way to chat, I’d really appreciate the opportunity to ask some questions. I’m also just starting to learn about Docker, so any guidance would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much in advance!
  2. For context, I'm running qBittorrent in a Docker container on Unraid. I've got it setup with port forwarding using a "Earth" config... I thought I way as well see them all in case the server moves around (I travel a lot), and assumed I'd be able easily change the server - or have it automatically choose the fastest. Right now it seems I'm stuck on the Cepheus server in Oslo, Norway and I'm getting about 800 kb/s downloading an image of linux mint to my US location. Can this be done, or do I need to download a new config every time I want o change servers? (Is it as easy as swapping out the wg0 file?) Thanks!
  3. Anybody have any ideas what might be going on? Tried a ton of different servers, without being connected (I use openvpn GUI + airvpn config files) to airvpn servers i max out at somewhere in the area of 110mb/s, but if i am connected i max out at 30. Not a huge deal, 30 is plenty, just wondering if there's something I can mess with or change....
  4. Hello everyone, so today I stumbled across this weird issue: Running Debian 10.7 with qBittorrent 4.1.5 and OpenVPN 2.4.7, both from Debian Repos. My QBittorrent is configured to bind to the tun0 interface (using OpenVPN).As soon as QBittorrent establishes any connection the whole tun0 interface (not just qBittorrent traffic) is limited to around 10Mbit/s in Download and stays that way even after exiting qBittorrent.After restarting the OpenVPN connection I have full speed on tun0 again until I start qBittorrent again and it establishes any connection. Took me a while to figure this out and I have no idea what's causing this. How to reproduce: Do a Webbrowser Speedtest over tun0 while qBittorrent isn't running -> full speed. Start qBittorrent an wait for it to establish any connection. Do a Webbrowser Speedtest over tun0 again -> Limited to around 10Mbit/s. Any idea what's the problem here? How could qBittorrent throttle the complete interface just by running in the background? Thanks!
  5. Hi, I'm using Eddie 2.13.6 on Debian. In the fall, I received a DMCA notice when I accidentally launched my torrent client while AirVPN was not running. To avoid this mistake in the future, I set the qBittorrent configuration setting "Network Interface" to tun0. The other day, I was having trouble accessing a website and thought they might be throttling/blocking the AirVPN server I was using, so I temporarily disconnected AirVPN and disabled the network lock. It seems that qBittorrent leaked over my wlan0 interface during this time, since I received another DMCA notice. Any suggestions on how I might safely configure my torrent client to cease all communication when the VPN is not enabled? Or maybe a way to temporarily configure only a single application (my Internet browser) to communicate outside of the Network Lock? Thanks.
  6. I've been noticing this lately in wireshark. I'm using OpenVPN 2.4.5. Its sending and receiving to the VPN server, however Wireshark shows it is using IPv4, and not the OpenVPN protocol. Is this something to be concerned about, and if so, how can I fix this issue while using OpenVPN?
  7. Heya, so I've finally made the switch to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I'm loving it thus far. However, I got some issues with the Eddie Client. After some time AirVPN loses connection and refuses to connect again until I replug my Internet Stick (Belkin Components F7D1101 v1 Basic Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU]). The first log shows how the connection drops after a while. The second one shows how it works for some reason once I replug my Internet Stick. Something I should also mention is that I have to replug my Internet Stick once I boot up because (I think at least) the driver isn't getting loaded at boot. airvpn log.txt airvpn2 log.txt
  8. Hi i have problem with start qbittorrent. Connection works fine, for webbrowsing, but qbittorrent have no connection. I created forwarded port (testing always have: 110 connection timeout), I updated this port in my bittorrent settings (port used for incomming connections), I disabled all firewalls for test (windows and comodo), I disabled upnp and nat-pmp in qbittorrent,In bittorrent i have yellow circle: No direct connections. In airvpn site, when im testing forwarded port i have always black circle with 110 error). PROBLEM SOLVED : i think trackers was blocking me, i generated new torrents and works fine, thanks
  9. Hello, I'm having an issue where I cannot download torrents since I did port forwarding. I forwarded my port through the website because qBittorrent had a yellow "connection status." I set the port in qBittorrent, and now the "connection status" is green, but torrents are not downloading. I did this yesterday, and when I initially forwarded my port, it was working just fine, and today it's not. Also, I was able to run the "TCP Test" and got a green light yesterday. I ran it today, and it stays gray. Not sure what that means, but figured I should include that info. Any suggestions? Thank you, all
  10. Under the speed options in qbittorrent there is a section titled "Rate limits settings". Enable utp protocol and apply rate limit to utp protocol are checked by default. Apply rate limit to transport overhead and apply rate limit to peers on LAN are by default left unchecked. When using airvpn with Eddie is it advisable to alter any of these four settings? Unless I overlooked it, I've seen nothing regarding this on this site. Thanks alot! Dewey
  11. I use to have no problem connected to a vpn server and then opening up Qbitorrent to download a file but now the torrent file will not download and isn't getting connected to the torrent network. This happens to any file I try to download qbittorent. Any suggestions on what went wrong because this problem didn't come up until a few days ago. Everything else works except torrents.
  12. I am a total noob. I am connected to air vpn and the internet seems to be functioning fine. I did look through the "how to" threads and found them to be very helpful. But....since I am still a noob I need further assistance. -How do I use the service correctly? I'm using safari, normally. Do I need to do anything extra? If airvpn is functioning properly are all my internet activities through safari scrambled? Do I need to do the RNS thing? Should I only use safari? Do I need to do anything special when using Tor? I am aware that I cannot torrent through tor? -When I do the ipleak test my IP address does not come up. It confirms the server I selected. Is there anything else I should be looking for? I'm also slightly bewildered about the "Network Lock" function. Should I be using it? -I am primarily using a vpn to torrent. If I pass my ipleak test is there anything else I need to do to remain anonymous? Am I good to go at that point? I was planning on using Pirate Bay on safari. is that a good combination? I'm pretty sure I changed the port correctly. when looking at my speeds they spike and drop down to zero. Is this the standard for speed I should be expecting? I tried a test torrent and a 15 song album took about 5 minutes. I haven't done any torrenting in about 8 years so I'm unsure if that is normal. I would like to optimize my torrent speeds, though. Is there anything a noob like myself could do to optimize my speeds through qbittorrent? I apologize if this post is redundant or annoying. Thanks in advance to any and all for help/advice. Here are my logs..hope it is formatted correctly. [spoiler]I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - AirVPN client version: 2.10.3 / x86, System: OSX, Name: 10.12.1 / x64 . 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Reading options from /Users/austincarstens/.airvpn/AirVPN.xml. 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Data Path: /Users/austincarstens/.airvpn. 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - App Path: /Applications/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS. 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Executable Path: /Applications/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/AirVPN. 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Command line arguments (0):. 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Updating systems & servers data .... 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Operating System: Unix - Darwin Austins-MacBook-Pro.local 16.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.1.0: Wed Oct 19 20:31:56 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3789.21.4~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - OpenVPN Driver - ExpectedI 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - OpenVPN - Version: OpenVPN 2.3.8 (/Applications/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/openvpn)I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_7.2p2, LibreSSL 2.4.1 (/usr/bin/ssh)I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.17 (/Applications/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/stunnel)I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - Session starting.I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Wi-Fi)I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Bluetooth PAN)I 2017.01.28 12:07:00 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Thunderbolt Bridge)I 2017.01.28 12:07:34 - Checking authorization .... 2017.01.28 12:07:40 - Systems & servers data update completed! 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - Connecting to Alderamin (Austria, Vienna). 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.3.8 x86_64-apple-darwin14.4.0 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [MH] [iPv6] built on Aug 13 2015. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015, LZO 2.08. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Control Channel Authentication: tls-auth using INLINE static key file. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[196724->262144] S=[9216->262144]. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link local: [undef]. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=fc042afa fd763760. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate key usage. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has key usage 00a0, expects 00a0. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > VERIFY KU OK. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate extended key usage. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > VERIFY EKU OK. 2017.01.28 12:07:47 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=Alderamin, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit key. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit key. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 4096 bit RSA. 2017.01.28 12:07:50 - OpenVPN > [Alderamin] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > SENT CONTROL [Alderamin]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1). 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig'. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: LZO parms modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > Opening utun (connect(AF_SYS_CONTROL)): Resource busy. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > Opened utun device utun1. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/ifconfig utun1 delete. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR): Can't assign requested address. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > NOTE: Tried to delete pre-existing tun/tap instance -- No Problem if failure. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/ifconfig utun1 netmask mtu 1500 up. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > add net gateway 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > add net gateway 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > add net gateway 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > add net gateway 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - Starting Management Interface. 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - OpenVPN > Initialization Sequence CompletedI 2017.01.28 12:07:52 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Wi-Fi)I 2017.01.28 12:07:53 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Bluetooth PAN)I 2017.01.28 12:07:53 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Thunderbolt Bridge)I 2017.01.28 12:07:53 - Flushing DNSI 2017.01.28 12:07:53 - Checking routeI 2017.01.28 12:07:55 - Checking DNS! 2017.01.28 12:07:56 - Connected.. 2017.01.28 12:07:56 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 2017.01.28 12:07:56 - OpenVpn Management > >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info [/spoiler]
  13. Hi all, had to reinstall qbittorrent again after a fresh install and having trouble remembering the settings that gave me the best download speeds. Anyone have any settings that they recommend that give high download speeds? I used to get anywhere between 3-15MB and now struggling to get above 4MB (150mb connection). Thank you in advance.
  14. I'm relatively new to VPNs and I'm having a hard time finding out what I should do about a few general settings in my torrent client. I use Windows 7 and qBittorrent, and my settings so far are as follow: qBittorrent is only bound to the interface used by the VPN;UPnP/NAT-PMP in qBittorrent is disabled;qBittorrent's listening port is set to the port I opened in the AirVPN web client settings;at the router level, UPnP is disabled and no ports are forwarded;Network Lock (automatic mode) in the AirVPN client is enabled;a proxy is not being used -- all traffic is simply being routed through the VPN;and lastly, the AirVPN client has mostly default settings. What I should do about the uTP, DHT, PEX, and Local Peer Discovery settings in qBittorrent? Currently I have them all disabled, but is it safe to enable them, or do I run the risk of having my actual IP exposed to ths swarm if I enable some of them?
  15. Hi all, So recently I've started having issues running qBittorrent and remaining connected to AiVPN. If I connect to AirVPN (through the OpenVPN GUI) and just browse then there is no problem, speeds are good and the connection remains constant. If however I launch qBittorrent and download anything, within 3-4 minutes AirVPN drops. I can think of no explanation as to why this is happening - hence this post. I'm running Windows 8, tunneling through a Uni firewall on TCP 443, I've tried routing qBittorrent over a port explicitly opened in the Forward Ports section of AirVPN and through a randomly generated one, in both cases the results are the same. The only other thing to note is that I have modified the connection script slightly to change my DNS server to (AirVPN's DNS) to prevent DNS leaks however like I say when I'm not running qBittorrent the connection doesn't drop, so I don't think this is the problem. It has only appeared in the last 2 weeks or so, prior to that there were no problems at all and I would quite like to get this fixed. Cheers, H. Log Below: Sat Nov 09 13:12:24 2013 OpenVPN 2.3.2 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [eurephia] [iPv6] built on Aug 22 2013Sat Nov 09 13:12:24 2013 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:24 2013 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scriptsSat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973945,TCP_CONNECT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 TCP connection established with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973945,WAIT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973945,AUTH,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=01bab8df 8c0287c2Sat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVERSat Nov 09 13:12:25 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSASat Nov 09 13:12:26 2013 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:12:27 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973947,GET_CONFIG,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig'Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modifiedSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: LZO parms modifiedSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973948,ASSIGN_IP,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 open_tun, tt->ipv6=0Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 TAP-WIN32 device [Local Area Connection] opened: \\.\Global\{2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}.tapSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.9 Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 Successful ARP Flush on interface [16] {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}Sat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 _up.bat Local Area Connection 1500 1560 initSat Nov 09 13:12:28 2013 env_block: add PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WbemSat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 TEST ROUTES: 2/2 succeeded len=1 ret=1 a=0 u/d=upSat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=10 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973965,ADD_ROUTES,,,Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 Initialization Sequence CompletedSat Nov 09 13:12:45 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383973965,CONNECTED,SUCCESS,, Here is where I turn on qBittorrent (about 13:13:00)Then as you can see at 13:16:52 the connection is reset... Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Connection reset, restarting [-1]Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 Closing TUN/TAP interfaceSat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 _down.bat Local Area Connection 1500 1560 initSat Nov 09 13:16:52 2013 env_block: add PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WbemSat Nov 09 13:16:57 2013 SIGUSR1[soft,connection-reset] received, process restartingSat Nov 09 13:16:57 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974217,RECONNECTING,connection-reset,,Sat Nov 09 13:16:57 2013 Restart pause, 5 second(s)Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scriptsSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974222,TCP_CONNECT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 TCP connection established with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974222,WAIT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974222,AUTH,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=397dc156 e530db5fSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVERSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSASat Nov 09 13:17:02 2013 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:04 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974224,GET_CONFIG,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig'Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: LZO parms modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974225,ASSIGN_IP,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 open_tun, tt->ipv6=0Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 TAP-WIN32 device [Local Area Connection] opened: \\.\Global\{2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}.tapSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.9 Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 Successful ARP Flush on interface [16] {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}Sat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 _up.bat Local Area Connection 1500 1560 initSat Nov 09 13:17:05 2013 env_block: add PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WbemSat Nov 09 13:17:17 2013 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'signal SIGHUP'Sat Nov 09 13:17:17 2013 Closing TUN/TAP interfaceSat Nov 09 13:17:17 2013 _down.bat Local Area Connection 1500 1560 initSat Nov 09 13:17:17 2013 env_block: add PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WbemSat Nov 09 13:17:21 2013 SIGHUP[hard,] received, process restartingSat Nov 09 13:17:21 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974241,RECONNECTING,SIGHUP,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:21 2013 OpenVPN 2.3.2 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [PKCS11] [eurephia] [iPv6] built on Aug 22 2013Sat Nov 09 13:17:21 2013 Restart pause, 5 second(s)Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scriptsSat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974246,TCP_CONNECT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 TCP connection established with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974246,WAIT,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974246,AUTH,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=b7f11659 f2c55d2dSat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVERSat Nov 09 13:17:26 2013 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.orgSat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit keySat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authenticationSat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSASat Nov 09 13:17:27 2013 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] Nov 09 13:17:28 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974248,GET_CONFIG,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig'Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: LZO parms modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modifiedSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974249,ASSIGN_IP,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 open_tun, tt->ipv6=0Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 TAP-WIN32 device [Local Area Connection] opened: \\.\Global\{2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}.tapSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.9 Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 Successful ARP Flush on interface [16] {2F2AC670-1C48-46EF-84D6-58E32F7205FC}Sat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 _up.bat Local Area Connection 1500 1560 initSat Nov 09 13:17:29 2013 env_block: add PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WbemSat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 TEST ROUTES: 2/2 succeeded len=1 ret=1 a=0 u/d=upSat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=10 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974266,ADD_ROUTES,,,Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=30 and dwForwardType=4Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]Sat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 Initialization Sequence CompletedSat Nov 09 13:17:46 2013 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1383974266,CONNECTED,SUCCESS,,
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