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  1. LZ1

    EFF & FSF Support?

    Hello ! Would AirVPN be interested in supporting the Electronic Frontier Foundation and/or the Free Software Foundation? No specific project or technology as such. It seems a bit remiss of AirVPN to not support these, in my view . About The EFF The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows. Even in the fledgling days of the Internet, EFF understood that protecting access to developing technology was central to advancing freedom for all. In the years that followed, EFF used our fiercely independent voice to clear the way for open source software, encryption, security research, file sharing tools, and a world of emerging technologies. Today, EFF uses the unique expertise of leading technologists, activists, and attorneys in our efforts to defend free speech online, fight illegal surveillance, advocate for users and innovators, and support freedom-enhancing technologies. Together, we forged a vast network of concerned members and partner organizations spanning the globe. EFF advises policymakers and educates the press and the public through comprehensive analysis, educational guides, activist workshops, and more. EFF empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals through our Action Center and has become a leading voice in online rights debates. EFF is a donor-funded US 501©(3) nonprofit organization that depends on your support to continue fighting for users. About The FSF The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. We defend the rights of all software users. As our society grows more dependent on computers, the software we run is of critical importance to securing the future of a free society. Free software is about having control over the technology we use in our homes, schools and businesses, where computers work for our individual and communal benefit, not for proprietary software companies or governments who might seek to restrict and monitor us. The Free Software Foundation exclusively uses free software to perform its work. The Free Software Foundation is working to secure freedom for computer users by promoting the development and use of free (as in freedom) software and documentation—particularly the GNU operating system—and by campaigning against threats to computer user freedom like Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) and software patents. Why should AirVPN do it? Because: Both organisations routinely make new technologies available which help to enhance peoples freedoms. Not just software-wise either, but hardware too.Both organisations comply with AirVPNs mission on multiple levels. Many kinds of freedom form the basis of free societies. Free speech, freedom of assembly, etc. So what about free software/privacy?The EFF fights the required legal battles that come before or after new technology or laws that limit, constrict and/or endanger us all in more ways than one.The FSF provides a completely different philosophy/approach to hardware and software; namely that it should be completely free. Not proprietary & closed. Eddie being open helps us all.Support will also mean even more support for software like HTTPS Everywhere, which both the EFF & The Tor Project made. AirVPN already supports The Tor Project, so why not add the EFF? Because the FSF is a hardcore supporter of free software & freedom of software provides a range of benefits for everyone: As a software developer, free software lets you build and improve on the work of others, as part of a social community — built on the principles of sharing. As an artist, you can do things with free software that proprietary software does not allow. All free software allows you to use it for any purpose. As a user, free software removes you from the power struggle of proprietary software, where you are able to help yourself and are not dependent on a single developer or company to help you. As a student, you can study and modify the software you use, learning from and enhancing the tools that you use for education. I think it's one thing to support various technical means of opposing state & company control, closedness and censorship, but quite another thing to oppose these things through legal means. Because while technical tools are great, one could argue that we shouldn't, in an ideal world, even need them. But we do, because various laws force us to, if we want to maintain a shred of privacy and security. But whether or not these organisations do battle legally, they both still provide a wealth of different tools and technologies which help advance AirVPNs mission. So in a sense, it's like a package deal ! Even the best VPN in the galaxy won't have much to say in the face of running on a compromised system. Even the best combination of security practices, software & hardware can come under attack when governments give themselves permission to do things that are illegal & immoral for everyone else to do. In addition, supporting organisations which fight the necessary legal battles, could perhaps have direct implications for AirVPNs server locations, as Air writes: Of course there's many parameters to take into account when it comes to server locations; not least cost & infrastructure availability. But I'm sure we can agree that it's easier to set up a server in a country that doesn't have laws or systems hostile to AirVPNs mission statement; perhaps one of the major reasons we haven't had many Iranian and Mainland Chinese servers, hmm? For a primer on what the FSF is really about, you can watch this. Thank you :]
  2. Hello ! ​Some have asked me how they can help out. How To Help AirVPN Succeed​ So here's some ways I propose how: ​Help new people. It's very easy to feel intimidated, due to the high level of technical knowledge displayed. Especially by the l33t Staff account. ​But don't just help them. Make them feel welcome. A very complex solution to this, is to say "Welcome" when they post their first posts. How about posting your review of AirVPN; a nice good solid long review, telling others how AirVPN is so good you want to visit Italy, etc. etc. ​Post your "logs" in spoiler tags, when you need help with something. See my signature for how to do so. Some logs are super long, so it helps. Ask & discuss the features of other VPNs & help make us all smarter. Where did you come from? Where are you going? What is love? etc. ​Make a guide/how-to about something you care about. Heck, even if it's just a nice index of useful programs/software, for instance. Post comments on review sites & tell them why they're wrong! Lol no, just use facts instead;) . Be charming & factual, like Zorro! Video reviews are especially great, as the ones which are highest on the youtube lists I'm seeing, are like your kindergarten pics! ANCIENT! ​Go to your Client Area and use your "Referral" code to invite more friends to the service & profit from it yourself too. Can't let Air get lonely! ​Go to threads like this & see if you can contribute with a new language or spread the word about it. Got any Arabic-speaking friends hmm? ​Answer questions that you're able to answer, in all of the sub-forums. With time, you become more knowledgeable . ​Find projects that you think Air should support.This way, your Air sub helps many more projects! Make sure they are in-line with Airs "mission". Help AirVPN test out new versions of their software. ​Be creative and find positive ways to add to the service; I'll be the first to admit Air doesn't give many tips lol. So don't feel bad. ​​ ​​ How To Make Your Forum Posts More Appealing(Mini Styleguide) Why is presentation important? Because this is a technical forum. So we read a lot. It's easier to get help, solve a problem & share knowledge when things are presented well.​ All codes on this forum, usually at least, follow the same formula: there's a "start" tag and an "end" tag. End tags are showed by a slash: /. ​Remember to close things off correctly, or it can ruin your entire post, if you forget either a [ or a ] character. ​Note: When you want to make an index, you currently have to "Reserve" a spot, by posting blank posts to your own guide, so that you can link to these posts after you finish editing them. This way, you can eventually create an index. Very useful if your guide or post is very long.​ ​ Some useful codes: ​Links can be long, ugly, annoying & broken by linebreaks. So make it easy for everyone by making clickable words. Critical for a stylish guide & helpful posts. You can link directly to individual posts by clicking the # in the top right corner of the post you want to copy. Just click and then copy the link. [url=https://airvpn.org/]This can be clicked[/url] ​[url=https://airvpn.org/topic/18339-guide-to-getting-started-links-for-advanced-users/?p=43734]This links to my other guide[/url] ​Result: This can be clicked ​This links to my other guide ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Style headings in your posts, for much-better-looking management of paragraphs. It doesn't go past h3. [h1=This Is The Biggest Heading][/h1] [h2=This Is The Second Biggest Heading][/h2] [h3=This Is The Third Biggest Heading][/h3] ​Result: ​ This Is The Biggest Heading This Is The Second Biggest Heading This Is The Third Biggest Heading​ ​ ​ ​These tags are the most flashy available on the forums and are naturally excellent at bringing attention to the most important things. ​[info]Did you know Eddie likes to read logs?[/info] ​[warning]Warning! If You mention Netflix One more time...[/warning] ​[error]Error! AirVPN can no longer handle "ICANN"s nonsense[/error] ​Result: ​ ​ Did you know Eddie likes to read logs?​ Warning! If You mention Netflix One more time...​ Error! AirVPN can no longer handle "ICANN"s nonsense​ ​​ ​ Spoiler Alert! This is the most holy of the holy tags in existence. The mighty spoiler tag! Used to not spoil your viewers mood both during guides & when you post a 3 page logfile. ​ ​[spoiler]This has been spoiled[/spoiler] Result: ​ ​ This has been spoiled. Omg spoilerception!​​ ​ ​ ​The rightbox is useful for adding information which perhaps isn't critical or which is perhaps especially interesting, info-box style. [rightbox]This box is right. You're not. [/rightbox] ​Result: ​ ​ This box is right. You're not. ​ ​ ​​ ​The hr, horizontal-rule, is a special tag which isn't closed. It's good for breaking things up, as I've been doing. It's also especially boring. [hr] Result: ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​Other Formatting & Posting Tips: ​Use lists like this one. Either bulleted or not. You click the button in the interface, under the "Font" and "Size" buttons. To the left of the smiley.​Right above the place you "Attach Files", you can click on "View Auto Saved Content", in case you need to reload something you lost.​In the top right corner, you can check a box that lets you Follow your own topic. But you can also make a poll.​Under the smiley in the interface, you can click the <> sign. Then in the biggest box, you can write code, so that others can see it while its inactive, like in this guide.​On the same line as the Smiley, in the inteface, there's a button next to "Font" on the left, called "Special BBcode", that you can refer to, for more codes.​If a piece of text is a part of a link, you can unlink it and make it normal text again, by clicking the "unlink" button, to the left of the <> code button, in the interface.​ ​ ​ I'll give a medal or something to the first person who can make the Staff account "lol" publicly. Quantum computing is possible, so this must be too! ​Do you have any other ideas? If so, please feel free to post them :]. ​ ​Questions are always welcome. Don't be afraid of asking! *^__^* ​ ​Thank you!
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