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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I am having trouble setting up a Minecraft game server using AirVPN. I have used AirVPN's port forwarding service and successfully forwarded and opened up a port of my choice and selected the games local port of 25565. I checked this using canyouseeme.org to test this was the case, it was up. I booted up the server and found that i couldn't connected via the port / public exit IP and it just lead to a weird timing out on the ping and leading to a lack of connection for the server. I knew the server was up as i had a local connection to it which showed it was up. I wondered if there was an issue with packets getting lost / dropped so I did a tracert to see if i could see where the connection was going and that worked fine with no issues at all. Then I checked to see if there was anything going on with AIrVPN or maybe my internet provider was being overly strict so i changed to SSL applies caps or blocks lower ip ranges etc. Same result no connection, I tried multiple ways of setting it up and always got the same result of it timing out. Maybe it was my software so I disabled all firewalls / everything and tried it across multiple machines with fresh hardware and on different operating systems. Same issue nothing was working. Tried multiple ways and getting the local connection via ipconfig on my adapter and binding the IP to the minecraft server interface. Still nothing, tried changing the ports of the server interface still nothing. I gave dynamic DNS a go to see if i could circumvent this issue completely with it and still not working. I am really at a loss and have no clue how to fix this any help would be appreciated. Thanks for reading. Additional Details: - All internet works fine with/without airVpn. - Yes i am connected to a airvpn server and have tried multiple of their servers. - Yes I have restarted / shutdown pc's after installing to give it a "chance" - Yes the port is up and i can see its up via canyouseeme.org - Yes i gave time for the dynamic dns to change and update its entries. - I have tried three different operating systems including Linux. Windows server and desktop. - Connecting via Ethernet cable. - No problems connecting to airvpn servers. - College/University wifi.
  2. Hello, I have been referred by a friend who recommended this service, and I have some doubts. Does AirVPN store the IP address of the person connecting to the server ?, if so ... for how long? Do you have access to identifiable user data such as IP address? Do the servers used by AirVPN only work in RAM? At the request of a government / police force / intelligence agency will you release my IP address or any other information that can identify me? Thank you very much for your kindness. I send you a big hug.
  3. I'm looking to use AirVPN to enable my ip to be white-listed only once, in order to connect to my company's servers from any location. I need to know if the public exit ip address of the server I am connected to, is subject to change without notice?
  4. Hi, I am running Eddie version 2.10.3 on Windows 7 x64. I am running some tests on all various servers in all the available countries and noticed that when viewing the Stats tab in Eddie, it states my real IP address in the Real IP detected section. I know that Network Lock disables IPv4 and IPv6 leaks, so was wondering how my actual IP address is managing to show up? I also checked (whilst connected to the same server) in the Overview section of my client area and it also reports my real IP address in the Coming From section? Any ideas?
  5. I successfully setup the AirVPN port forwarding and it works fine. However I would like to control who can access the forwarded port by allow/deny the source IP address. In other words I do not want this port open to the world, only to select IP addresses. How can I do that?
  6. Hi, I have been looking at different ways to connect with TOR. In one document (AirVPN site) it stated that if you connect TOR over VPN then AirVPN sees your original IP, O.K that makes sense. But if you connect VPN over TOR then AirVPN sees the TOR exit node IP, not your original ISP external IP. O.K when I checked my connection in the client area when connected VPN over TOR the client area reports my original ISP IP... any ideas or help?
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