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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, I have lost my password to the email address I originally registered my AirVPN account with and there is no way I can reset it. I would like to re-register my AirVPN account with a new email address but I fear to loose control over it. I need to know if a validation link will be sent to my old email address (which I can't check any longer) or only to the newly registered email address.
  2. My ISP is ATT.net and they use Yahoo as their email provider. I noticed email sent from AirVPN wasn't reaching my inbox so I looked in the spam folder and nothing was there. Does anyone know if Yahoo(email) is blocking messages from this site? If so, this might explain why password reset messages aren't being received.
  3. I have airvpn setup and my Thunderbird account is receiving and sending mail through gmail port 995 and 465. Is this secure? Does google see my home IP? I want to use the ports allocated from airvpn but could not get it working, and read that google only works with the ports above. Any advice? Do I need a new email server if I want to remain anonymous? Than you.
  4. Guest

    Encrypted Email Opinion

    Hello all, I would like your opinion on a question a friend of mine asked the other day about encrypted email. I personally use an encrypted email provider as my main email contact. The question was, why use an encrypted email service when most people do not, and your emails, therefore are not encrypted and are logged and stored on the recipients email service anyway? As I would assume most of us here care about our privacy, I thought I would gather some of your opinions.
  5. MEVPN


    "LEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication. Our focus is on adapting encryption technology to make it easy to use and widely available." LEAP develops the Bitmask application. "Bitmask is an open source application to provide easy and secure encrypted communication. You can choose among several different service providers or start your own. Currently, Bitmask supports encrypted internet (VPN) and encrypted email." "Bitmask is built using OpenVPN but with several security enhancements turned on by default. One of the biggest problems with encryption today is how it’s too easy to make mistakes, because of that, we are forcing security with Bitmask. It will prevent common VPN problems like DNS or IPv6 leaks or data going over the clear to the Internet if your connection with the VPN service repeatingly drops." -Riseup LEAP shares the same mission as AirVPN and they need support to develop their software. https://leap.se/en/about-us/donate
  6. I have never had any issues with Optimum Online's (part of Cablevision) webmail platform until yesterday. The website can be accessed and everything except sending mail worked properly when connected to Tejat ( I spoke with customer support and they confirmed the cause is that they are blocking that IP address because of a third party spam filter they use. They provided the following link to show that particular IP was blacklisted by at least two third parties. http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a184.75.221.195&run=toolpage I disconnected and connected to Gorgonea and was able to send email so it might only be limited to a few AirVPN servers, possibly only the one. I imagine this would mean that there is additional impact for other users of any other email service that uses those same third party spam filters.
  7. Hello friends, Maybe this is a common problem, when you strat with AirVpn. I hope that someone can help me with this. I have Windows 7 and use Windows Live Mail , for my different email adresses. This is my problem: With AirVpn connected, i cannot send any emails Furthermore i cannot get connection with the google servers, to get to my gmail acounts. My laptop keeps asking me to fill in my username and password (POP3 server) gmail, except this does not help. What do i have to do to receive gmail, and sent any email ? Maybe change the setings of the servers of Gmail and outgoing ? Thanks, kind regards. Erik
  8. "A/I was born in 2001 from an encounter of individuals and collectives of the autonomous anticapitalist movement who were interested in technology and active in the fight for digital rights. We believe that this world is far from being the best world possible. We respond to this by providing activists, groups and collectives with platforms for a freer communication and digital tools for privacy self-defence." Autistici/Inventati is an Italian collective similar to Riseup.net in the United States. They provide secure communications tools for activists. Collective members work on a volunteer basis only. All donations are used for infastructure costs. It would be a great service for AirVPN to fund especially since it is local. http://www.autistici.org/en/donate.html
  9. Hello, I am having a problem with email when AirVPN is running. I use the Windows 10 email app for two accounts with different services, one of which is a Yahoo mail account. The non-Yahoo account works fine. However, the with AirVPN running, the Yahoo mail does not download or sync. If I turn off AirVPN (and along with it the Network Lock) then the Yahoo account does work. So, for some reason AirVPN seems to be blocking the Yahoo mail but not other email accounts. Does anyone have any experience with this, or ideas what may be the cause and how to correct it? Thank-you.
  10. Hello, I think Air should add GPG support for the Contact Us page ( regardless of whether one has registered and logged in as a client or is accessing as guest). Users could upload their GPG public key so Air's responses sent via e-mail to the user would be encrypted. This would really improve security, particularly for users who have an insecure mail host. Best regards, anonym
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