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  1. Hello everyone! This is my first post, so keep that in mind. Also, while I have better-than-average I.T. skills, I'm hardly an expert. I have recently encountered several problems, all of which I did not notice until after I installed the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Note that that does not necessarily mean they weren't present before the update; I just didn't notice them until afterwards. I also have some other questions. 1. If I open Eddie and activate network lock, remain unconnected to a server, attempt to load a webpage, and it doesn't work -- does that definitively mean that Network Lock is working and secure? (Assuming, of course, that it does work with network lock deactivated.) 2. I keep getting the message, "Recovery. Unexpected Crash?" (the question mark is part of the message). 3. I keep getting this message too: "The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists." 4. If I run ipleak.net while connected to an AirVPN server, and: my IPv4 is the AirVPN server, no forwarded IP is detected, IPv6 test is not reachable, RTCPeerConnection is not available, and the DNS addresses are all AirVPN servers -- then am I definitively secured? 5. It appears IPv6 doesn't work (I get the "IPv6 test not reachable" message on ipleak.net) at all times, even if I'm not running Eddie. This was not the case when I first installed and set up Eddie. Toggling Eddie's "Disable IPv6 at OS level if requested" option doesn't seem to make a difference. 6. In Eddie's preferences, under Advanced, for the IPv6 dropdown menu, what's the difference between "None" and "Disable"? 7. What does "Force TAP interface UP" mean? I probably won't have time to check this thread again until Sunday. Thanks a bunch!
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