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  1. If you're running AirVPN on Linux you probably don't want to have to type your sudo password in each time it runs. Why? If you're auto-starting it, you want your network lock and VPN connection to happen as soon as you login. Here's what I did for Ubuntu (Actually Kubuntu)... Install gksu (sudo apt install gksu) Add AirVPN to your autostart list and for command use gksudo /usr/bin/airvpn Run sudo nano /usr/share/applications/AirVPN.desktop and change the command to gksudo /usr/bin/airvpn Edit the AirVPN entry in your application launcher and change the command to gksudo /usr/bin/airvpn Run sudo visudo and add the line %airvpn ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/airvpn after all other rules (Press Ctrl+x and then Enter to exit and save). Run sudo groupadd airvpn Run sudo usermod -a -G airvpn user replacing "user" with your account's username. You're done. The next time you login (Or start it any any other way) AirVPN will start without entering any password. Note: Your AirVPN settings will be back to default after doing this. Don't worry, just set them again and they'll save.
  2. Hi, Firstly I'd like to complement you on an excellent network - when I'm running things manually I couldn't hope for more but the problem I'm running into (and yes, I've had a good look round the forums for a solution but I'm only seeing parts) occurs when I try to automate it all. I'm running a system that has an occasional tendency to restart itself every now and then (most likely due to overclocking) and more often than not it does so when I'm not around. I'm trying to get it set up so that when it restarts it logs itself in, connects the VPN and then launches utorrent. My understanding from what I've read on here is that the AirVPN client can only be automated to the point where the program runs at login but cannot be set to automatically connect to a preferred server(s) [please tell me this will be added to a future version]. I'm running Win 7 Home Pro X64 with an intel core i7 960 processor. Having read the faqs/forum posts and guides I have nearly managed to get it working by doing the following: - Modified windows logon to log me in automatically (Start, Run and enter control userpasswords2) - Created a link to a single server using the config generator and copied the .ovpn file to the OpenVPN config directory - Configured the OpenVPN service to start automatically in Computer Management - Used task scheduler in the same way as you described here https://airvpn.org/windows_autostart/ to run utorrent automatically after a log in trigger - but set a 10 minute delay on the action to give the VPN time to connect When it works, it works perfectly - but if for some reason the OpenVPN service fails to start (I've seen the service running but the client area of your site said I wasn't connected as I was already logged in to that server) there's no failsafe in place to prevent utorrent starting up and using an unsecured connection. How can I make the OpenVPN service keep retrying until it gets a successful connection and is there anyway I can implement a failsafe to prevent utorrent running on the offchance that it doesn't? (Or am I just being thick and is there in face a simpler solution) =)
  3. I followed this simple how-to https://airvpn.org/windows_autostart/ When I start windows it appears to be a running task, but it never is actually connected to AirVPN. If I launch the client manually it connects just fine. But really I'm not even sure this is what I want to do. I would really like to automatically connect to one specific AirVPN server every time Windows starts. How do I accomplish this?
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