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XMPP / Jabber




Found 3 results

  1. So, a few days ago I had a chat with an AirVPN member on XMPP and he/she remarked that it was not possible to reach other XMPP servers. It was tried to show the XMPP rooms at conference.riseup.net for example. It left us wondering whether AirVPN's XMPP server is indeed federated. I understand that Riseup might simply not send out the room list, given their ideology. So to rule this out I opened a XMPP server directory and cherry-picked some servers like jabber.at and jabber.de. Checking their status first, none of them showed me a room list. As everyone who has a Riseup account also has access to the Riseup XMPP server I tried to contact my Riseup account, following their "guide". The result is "remote server not found". This might indicate the server is not federated or there is a problem with federation, but at least that a connection issue to other servers persists. Did someone test this out as well? Were you successful? And is it possible to get a definite answer on the federation thing? Tests were done using Psi, the member used Pidgin.
  2. Hello, I have a strange problem: I'm using Linux Mint 17 (Cinnamon, 64-bit), no firewall settings applied. After connecting to AirVPN through the network-manager (using .ovpn config file imported) or using "Eddie 2.1 (Portable)" I cannot connect to my Jabber/XMPP profiles (i have two different profiles on two different jabber-servers, including Jitsi). I have tried Pidgin, Gajim and Jitsi. Pidgin cannot login into my accout, Gajim is seems to be connected but no one can see me logged in and I don't see any contacts online, and I cannot send/receive any messages - so I'm accually offline. When I am connected to Jitsi/XMPP account I can see other contacts and they can see me, but I cannot send messages only receive them and I cannot make/receive any calls. In all cases, when I use "Net Activity Viewer" application I see that there is a connection established from local address 10.4.x.x to a jabber-server on a remote port 5222 but still I cannot communicate. I have also tried to flush iptables settings just to be sure - it didn't help. // Just to be clear - I try to connect to XMPP after I have established AirVPN connection. Everything else working but XMPP. When I'm disconnected from AirVPN everything works just fine. // I was using AirVPN under Windows 7 and everything was working (with Comodo anti-leaking Global Rules applied). To be 100% sure, I have tried a clean install of Linux Mint 16 and 17 (both Cinnamon, 64-bit) on a flash drive. The problem repeated. There is more: I have tried to boot from Linux Mint Debian Edition (from a flash drive with installation iso image written on it) - there was NO problem connecting to XMPP accounts under AirVPN connection (using Eddie 2.1 Portable! I just don't know what to think about all of this... some kind of a mystery.
  3. I would formally like to request the addition of an XMPP server as a feature. Unfortunately, forums in general are not conducive for many of the types and manner of communication that Air and VPN users in general require. Privacy is a concern for many matters and Pidgin + OTR for instance offers a much higher level of security and shrinks the partition of trust during such communication. Another area the forums fall short is offering an efficient manner for real time conversations, chats and even support from other forum members. For instance, there quite often is a need for personalized support for members who have followed my pfSense setup guide due to the fact that there are so many variables to consider for hardware choices and network environments. This type of support can take days or weeks with back and forth forum conversation.. or can take minutes to hours in real time chat. Posts with such personalized instruction could also potentially confuse the uninitiated, as settings for one setup could be detrimental to another. As such, I feel personal support is a much better option in such instances. A group of air users and myself currently converse on XMPP using Pidgin + OTR. It has been a great convenience for all of us. However, and this is a big however, some of us have concerns over using an "unknown" XMPP Server. I personally scoured for a few days before choosing one (I will not advertise which server was chosen) based on the required use of SSL on all communications. Most servers required registration over clear http. Even though we found one that was a bit more secure, the service I don't think is meant for or ready for a large influx of users and there are frequent drops of the service. We all agree we need to find another server, but who do you trust? Which brings me to my request. I believe it would be greatly beneficial to all if there was an Air supported XMPP server with end to end encryption and no logs of any sort. I believe the ability to create chats will also open up access for individuals to learn more about methods of security, privacy, recommended software and even hardware discussions. Overall I feel it can help build the community, and the more that participate, the more knowledge and experience that gets shared and the community can grow. I personally would love to see that happen, and I think many more would participate if a more private arena existed. This information would trickle its way to the forums I suspect as well, only helping more and more. This would be one more feature to add to the reasons why AirVPN is the best around. Staff, can we make this happen?
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