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Found 4 results

  1. Hello! Next year, around May, the EU will enact the GDPR. The General Data Protection Regulation adds some interesting new things to the requirements for how data is protected, how companies are punished for breaches and other measures that hopefully ensure that people can rest more easy in regards to data protection. I assume AirVPN will fall under these rules, being based in Italy. Although I suspect Air will have a vastly easier time living up to any and all rules, given it already tries to minimise how much it knows about its users. But for large companies, this new regulation is a huge headache. There's even talk about how ransomware could threaten companies with exposing the breach of company security to the public, thus meaning the company gets fined for a % of its global revenue. A potent threat. Some highlights from the above link, about GDPR: You can view the key changes here. Thoughts? I think it's interesting. Even if everything doesn't go according to plan, I think that it's nice to see that someone is doing something for data security at least.
  2. On Aug 30, exactly a week ago, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communication, BEREC, launched their Guidelines on the Implementation by National Regulators of European Net Neutrality Rules. The original document is quite long. Those who decide to read it will come to many conclusions, two of them are these: You as a provider are not allowed to apply advertisement blocking in your network (before the traffic reaches your customers). You as a provider are therefore allowed to implement traffic management based on the category of traffic - wrote this way it's perfectly possible to throttle VPNs or BitTorrent.
  3. Using Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Trying to add Airvpn to my connection. I followed the instructions and have tried UDP and TCP and get this error:
  4. Greetings Everyone I am making this thread because I have noticed the growing trend of people being arrested for exercising free speech in the United Kingdom which is quite worrying and Is one of the reasons I have 2 yearly Subscriptions with you. Here is the most recent arrest for someone exercising their right to free speech. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jack-monroe-twitter-abuse-man-5548363 The man was quoted saying “Your sick form of Lesbianism and militant queerism is destroying this country. Get out and give us Britain back! £VoteUKIP.” Now I know some will disagree with what he said but he should have the right to say it as long as it isn't threatening in anyway which it was not. I would love to hear other peoples comments on this and also hear what Air would do if someone had done this from behind one of their Servers and also Air's Stance on the matter of Diminishing free speech in the UK. Regards.
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