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Found 450 results

  1. I'm planning to go to China soon and am wondering how to use AirVPN in China (if possible at all). Thanks for any info given
  2. Look, this is something you can easily look up yourself by searching for a single word: china. https://airvpn.org/search/?&q=china&search_and_or=or You find things like: .
  3. I am guessing that China has blocked all AirVPN IPs. If you connect to any AirVPN server and try to access any China websites (such as baidu.com), you get connection timeouts. Can this be fixed?
  4. I just simply chose recommended server. It keeps connecting different servers but never succeeded. Is AirVPN working well in China now? Thanks folks
  5. I have a business trip to China in 2 months, and I wanted to check with folks here to ask if anyone ever used Airvpn in China. I know that a lot of VPNs don't work there. I would be glad if someone who has been there recently can tell me if it works, or whether I need to configure some advanced settings to use it in China. Thanks
  6. Yes, direct OpenVPN, Wireguard and even Tor is now blocked at the TLS handshake stage, because any traffic containing no recognizable data is now rejected by default (just like in China). Currently this may be circumvented by using SSH or SSL wrapping. More on how to set up an SSH tunnel is here, and the same about SSL is here. The method is this: you first start an SSL or an SSH client in proxy mode, it connects to a remote AirVPN server, then you start a normal OpenVPN client but specifying it to connect to instead of a remote AirVPN server. All the needed settings are already in the config files generated by the Config Generator. The connection will still be slow and possibly unreliable. I guess DPI is trying to analyze all traffic going to the foreign servers (besides YouTube, Google, etc.) and throttles it if some statistical patterns are detected. The solution for Tor is to use a webtunnel bridge - those were recently implemented and use the same "fake HTTPS traffic" approach.
  7. On a Huawei Honor mobile phone, AirVPN does not seem to work in China. I have installed the Android Client (Eddie - Air VPNGUI) without problems, and it also worked in other countries without problems. But in China it does not work. The only different setting I made to the standard settings is that I set the "Current local country" from the drop-down list to "People's Republic of China". Are there any other special settings one must use on a mobile phone when in China?
  8. Hi team, Thank you for the great service! I've been using AirVPN and it has been very stable. I used a Asus router and use OpenVPN there. It works fine for a couple of month. However, today it started not connecting. I've tried multiple config and all of them don't work. Would you please help me take a look on what's happening? Thank you so much! Best wishes syslog.txt
  9. According to this definition there is no censorship at all anywhere enforced by governments, not in North Korea, not in France, not in China... Please note that your definition is pure fantasy, if not insulting. Censorship is exactly suppression of speech, public communication, or other information subversive of the "common good", or against a given narrative, by law or other means of enforcement. The fact that censorship is enforced by law or by a government body does not make it less censorship. Furthermore, historically censorship was an exclusive matter of some central authority (the first well documented case is maybe the censorship rules to preserve the Athenian youth, infringed by Socrates, for which he was put to death, although the etymology comes from the Roman Office of Censor which had the duty to regulate on citizens' moral practices) and today censorship by governments is predominant. Even In modern times censorship through laws has been and is predominant and pervasive according to Britannica and many academic researches. Then you can discuss ad nauseam whether censorship by law is "right" or "wrong", whether France's censorship is "better" than China's censorship, but you can't change the definition of censorship, otherwise this discussion will become delirious. Kind regards
  10. Using the VPN from china is either not connecting or super slow. What’s the preferred settings at the moment?
  11. Currently lifted for the time being, nothing to see here.
  12. Hi! Please, somebody can confirm that AirVPN is working in China (2022)? Thanks, M
  13. Let's be clear. French web isn't closed, we can consult foreign websites unlike in North Corea, Russia or China. Name me any propagandized country who allows his people to consult other medias. Telling we wouldn't see anything is insulting our intelligence. Why don't we talk about US government who wants to ban TikTok, like Huawei and many others ? The difference between Rumble in France and Tiktok in US is pretty simple. Tiktok didn't boke US laws so the government had to find excuses related to "national security". Rumble hosts prohibit contents according french and european laws. France asked to Rumble to remove these contents (accounts belonging to russian medias doing disinformation (these medias are not only banned in France but also in whole Europe), to far right ppl, etc...). In France you're not allowed to publish anti-semitic speech in front of a nazi flag and that's normal. Sorry to tell you but it's the only truth, there's no conspiracy theory in this affair.
  14. I read on the internet and learned that ssl and ssh can be blocked. I also saw an article on China and Russia Reddit. In the reddit thread in Russia, we use v2ray and they say there is no blocking. I personally learned from YouTube that Twitter and Instagram use sockshadow in China. Airvpn users can easily use them if they travel to Russia and China. I have a question for airvpn admins and moderators. I wanted to know why V2ray and sockshadow were not considered. Is there a security weakness?
  15. Correlation != Causation. What if the service was set up by a desperate party because Russia banned VPN usage? Don't you think it makes sense? If you are a Russian in Russia and you cannot pay for the VPN services around the world because of sanctions (those services would give you a less restricted internet, after all), wouldn't you try to find a service which accepts whatever payment processors are available to you? Exactly – learn Russian or ask someone like me to translate for you. Don't go through the world, fingers pointing in crude directions, and voicing mere suspicions. No, it doesn't. Yandex is what Google is to US, or Tencent to China – a provider of various internet services tailored to a specific ethnic group's market. Yandex has got its own networks, which includes targeted advertising and analytics. Why shouldn't Yandex be allowed to offer their services to Russian diasporas across the world? Betteridge's law of headlines states that "any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no".
  16. I'm curious to know if @Lao8 could fix their issue. I'm looking to use it in China.
  17. There are increasing reports about AirVPN not working with cellular networks in Russia. I've been contacted more frequently by other Russians about this recently but so far there are no definitive solutions. Try the following configuration that works in China:-- Люди рассказывают всё больше и больше о проблемах с соединением к AirVPN через российские мобильные сети. Мне в последнее время многие россиане лично пишут, но пока решении нету. Попробуйте верхнюю конфигурацию, работающюю в Китае.
  18. My flight was postponed and as a lone stranger in a strange land when the evening starts on a Sunday I have now plenty of available time. I'm posting what I promised, let me know where you agree and where you disagree and why. I provide my own reasons to explain each score modification from the original table. At the end I determine the new average score after the changes. One score modification is pejorative, I provide good reasons in my opinion in that case too. The source table is the one linked originally when this thread was created. After a discussion I would like to publish the fixes wherever I can, especially in /r/vpnreviews (but the message could be deleted there) but first I would like to gather opinions, corrections and comments (or insults! ). In brackets the scoring given by the table's author, followed by my reasons. SPEED 5 (4) For my job I spend my years in Spain, Italy, Germany, China and Japan and AirVPN is the fastest in each of these countries with plenty of different providers. Since Mullvad and NordVPN get "5" but are significantly slower than AirVPN for me, I assign to AirVPN a 5 too.In China AirVPN is slow but at least it bypasses the blocks, while all the other VPN I tested don't, except in luxury hotels in Shanghai and other major cities, where the blocks are lifted for tourists and businessmen. PROTOCOLS 5 (1) Because AirVPN offers a huge variety of protocols on a great variety of ports. While it lacks obfsproxy, it offers a combo over Tor/SSL/TLS/SSH, WireGuard with pre-shared keys, connectable to low and high ports unavailable on other VPN services rated "5". So a "5" is due to AirVPN as well. RAM SERVERS 5 (0) Because I trust AirVPN staff claiming this. "Running on" RAM disks is trivial and easy, I see no reason to doubt about this claim on such an obvious and easy to implement feature. TRANSPARENCY BUG BOUNTY 5 (3) Because the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and Bug Bounty Program are clearly written, have their own page linked by the FAQ, provide clear and easy instructions to report, and publish transparently a vulnerability found by Fortinet labs. PRICING 5 (3) Because AirVPN offers by far the best price on long plans. It is even cheaper during promotions, it offers free access and trials very liberally. BYPASSING RESTRICTIVE NETWORKS 5 (2) Because it's the only VPN I can still access from various China cities. ETHICS 5 (3) Because AirVPN - does not pay for reviews (verified through baits, sorry staff ) - does not pay ransoms to cancel a fabricated negative review - had the guts and the intellectual honesty to support WikiLeaks and Assange during the outrageous smear campaign and character assassination plotted by USA, UK and Sweden. No other VPN spent a word at those times and not even by far they donated the tens of thousand bucks donated by AirVPN - runs directly or indirectly many Tor nodes - is an early supporter of Mastodon and PeerTube - is a major monetary supporter of Xnet open source project to free European schools from nefarious Google and Microsoft online tools - releases only free and open source software - supported economically Chelsea Manning when she heavily needed money. AirVPN did so in defiance of all the pressures and the threats I and you all could read (in this forum too, do you remember?) against anyone who "dared" to support monetarily her - offers a tracker free Android software CUSTOMER SUPPORT 5 (3) Because it is the only support service that was able to explain to me how to run an FTP server behind a VPN server and how to load balance from a single BSD / pfSense system two or more simultaneous connections to different VPN servers. AD-BLOCKER 5 (0) Because the AirVPN ad blocker is the most flexible and configurable tool I have seen in any VPN service with custom exceptions, additions, multiple public list choices and API support. LEAK PROTECTION 5 (4) Because the leak protection is well written firewall rules and more effective than NordVPN leak protection. Since Nord has 5, then AirVPN must have 5 too. OTHER ADDITIONAL FEATURES 5 (2) Because it's the only VPN offering: - a tool to find contiguous remote ports to forward - a good API to interact with several tools avoiding the web site manual interfacing - multiple DDNS services which really work - the cooolest configuration generator, accessible both from web and API - a valuable and unique feature to decide which ports must be forwarded to which devices - OpenVPN3 development which wiped out multi-year bugs in the original OpenVPN3 library - OpenVPN over Tor "natively" (with this I mean that the user just need to run Tor and then the Eddie software does all the required adjustments and setup to connect OpenVPN through Tor) on Eddie for Windows, Linux, Mac AVAILABILITY 1 (3) Two points less, this is the only pejorative score in my opinion. Because: - the AirVPN Suite for Linux, which on the other hand is impeccably documented, still does not offer WireGuard after 1 year that WireGuard is available on VPN servers, hinting to a dangerously slow development activity - the AirVPN Suite for Linux does not even offer the most basic traffic splitting abilities, forcing the Linux users to custom solutions and unnecessary work, or to switch to Eddie with Mono - Eddie for Windows, Linux and Mac documentation is shabby and lazy. Some interesting features of the GUI are completely undocumented. - Eddie for Linux still needs the Mono framework for the GUI, hindering usage on embedded and low specs systems. With the above corrections, the total score goes from 47 to 75 (+28), and the average score goes to 75/18 = 4.17. Pretty impressive. Let me know what you think, if you find errors and anything else you want. Did I forget some fancy AirVPN feature? Did I forget some important flaw? After the discussion to improve me and fix errors, I will publish this as a review around, in Reddit, including r/vpnreviews (where it could be deleted, we'll see). Greetings from somewhere in Japan. Hope to read you all when I am back to Europe.
  19. Also please note that this list isn't comprehensive given that the address ranges for regions such as China wasn't specified. My reasoning for this is players would need to be aware of PerfectWorld and China's mass adoption of IPv6, and solutions for those affected users requires a different approach given the Steam client and services networking when handling traffic destined for those regions.
  20. Hello, I'm looking for servers that will provide optimum download and upload for users physically located in China. I used to have good performance with the Japan servers although that was a long time ago. Certain Netherlands servers (Alpheratz, in particular) were very strong for a period, although the routing appears to change a lot, taking the high download speeds with them If anyone as any suggestions for servers to try or if the admins can suggest any techniques I can use to determine the best servers myself, I'd appreciate it!
  21. Hi, when, if ever will there be more Japan servers? (Question to staff) At least another one would be nice. It's the ONLY server which gives a good latency when connecting from China. For example, the Japan based Iskandar server can achieve 79ms whereas all the others start at 190ms + when connecting from China. Can other China users verify this is the case for them, too? (All China users reading this please comment about your latency!....)
  22. The change this week in Hong Kong, with direct jurisdiction by the CCP/Beijing government and the override of the "Two Systems" agreement by security laws and mainland police presence seems to require review of whether users can have confidence of privacy or security when using HK servers. One reference of the impact and scope and implications is this Australian newspaper article: https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/hong-kong-s-new-national-security-laws-reach-beyond-china-20200701-p557zd.html Although it is undesirable to follow the Trumpist/US MIC with various anti-China propaganda, it should be recognised that although China is increasingly powerful and aggressive, the rest of Asia is a considerable counterweight (Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, India, etc) and European organisations such as AirVPN have alternatives. Perhaps Taiwan can be a replacement for CCP HK, or more servers in Japan and Singapore, or perhaps give Indonesia a bit more modern industry ?
  23. https://www.zdnet.com/article/china-is-now-blocking-all-encrypted-https-traffic-using-tls-1-3-and-esni/ https://yro.slashdot.org/story/20/08/09/000209/china-is-now-blocking-all-encrypted-https-traffic-that-uses-tls-13-and-esni
  24. Up until last week, I was able to ping the Japanese servers and return around 80ms. Now the ping is around 240 - 50ms. I suspect it must be to do with changes on the ISP side but I'm curious if anyone else has noticed any similar performance hits within China? Is there anything I can do to improve things? Thanks!
  25. Hi. I'm connecting from China, the normal speed is about 10mb/s ~ 15mb/s without a vpn, when use airvpn, I can get full speed in the morning, the speed continue dropping later, and in the evening(from UTC 10am) it becomes extrmely slow that I only get 100kb/s ~ 200kb/s. I have tried servers from America, Canada, Germany, Japan, Singapore but the results are similar. I wonder if it's because the China GFW or I have misconfigured something? Has anyone in China faced the same issue? System_Report.txt Eddie_20200214_071333.txt
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