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  1. Hello! airvpn.dev is a web site aimed to maximum "web security" for maximum rating on SSL Labs without compromises (for example only TLS 1.3 and 1.2 are allowed and only the strongest cipher suites can be negotiated). As a result several Operating Systems can't even access that web site that remains essentially an exercise. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=airvpn.dev&s= It is debatable whether re-direction from a web site to another through links published in a forum is safe or not with a specific warning. In our production web sites we allow linking, and we publish a warning before proceeding when a user clicks an URL. In airvpn.dev such operation is currently not allowed. If you want to be re-directed from airvpn.dev to an external web site, copy and paste the URL on your browser. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Maybe from inside your docker container the modification of system files is not allowed, it would sound correct under a security point of view. Changing system DNS is not a trivial operation and only a superuser can do it. Kind regards
  3. Open a ticket and receive support in a matter of a few hours, instead of spending time in a sterile controversy. Community forums are for the community by the community, we might read them or not, answer to messages or not. Kind regards
  4. @elbrownos Hello! According to: Fri Apr 24 22:09:51.756 2020 WARNING: Cannot resolve earth.vpn.airdns.org your system can't resolve names. Maybe connectivity is down, between your router and ISP. If that's the case, have you tried to leave Hummingbird running until connectivity is restored? Kind regards
  5. @arteryshelby Hello! Yes, at the moment total country replacement with Estonia and Latvia (both already active). Kind regards
  6. @bluesjunior According to your report you can safely stay with Eddie 2.18.9. Since you are just fine with 2.18.9 you have no real incentive to start beta testing as there is no performance improvement with 2.19.2. Check anyway the bug fixes on the changelog. Should one of those bugs become a problem for you at any time, then you should consider to upgrade. Kind regards
  7. Version 2.19.2 (Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:42:14 +0000) [bugfix] - Linux - Fixed crash at startup [bugfix] - Windows - Fixed an issue about detection of wintun driver Other feedbacks are under investigation. Thx.
  8. @ecabdf Hello! Yes, even our 1st gen, very old FireStick can stream HD with no problems even with OpenVPN on AES-256 - and you have also the option to gain more performance with CHACHA20-POLY1305. We see that the LG B8 features a CPU that's at least as powerful as the 2nd generation Firestick, so no problems for it as well. Kind regards
  9. @C3emfcb0Nzt0xiDj It doesn't look like a server or server line problem. You can see from the ping matrix that there is no packet loss between servers in the countries you mention. For a cross-check this is what we see from a couple of ISPs from Italy: $ ping -i 0.2 -W 0.2 -c 100 -q PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. --- ping statistics --- 100 packets transmitted, 100 received, 0% packet loss, time 19869ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 35.528/37.343/50.654/2.551 ms Another cross-check comes from @giganerd who uses your very same ISP so the matter is quite puzzling. Can you have your ISP perform a remote check on your nearest DSLAM and last mile? Kind regards
  10. @rymar Hello! The bug is when you shut down Eddie properly and at the next run you find "Recovery" messages etc. etc. If you don't shut down Eddie properly, such messages are correct and expected. The bug does not come out regularly and it's hard to spot, we are investigating. In the meantime you can safely ignore the issue. Kind regards
  11. @rymar Hello! It's a bug and we are investigating. You can in the meantime safely ignore it as it does not affect anything. Can you confirm that you get the following log: even after you have shut Eddie down properly? Kind regards
  12. @giganerd Hi! With OpenVPN 2 we outperform the current data set we have about IPsec on equal terms, as we achieve 1.7 Gbit/s on a Xeon E3-1230 with 300 connected clients in UDP and AES-256-GCM in Data Channel. It must be said however that IPsec works in the kernel space, while OpenVPN in the user space, so IPsec has a significant advantage under this respect. If the data set we have refers to an L2TP/IPsec implementation, that boost might be lost because you need time to convert IPsec to L2TP - and we have not considered the issue so far. On the other hand, OpenVPN community claimed in late 2019 to open source the Linux kernel module of OpenVPN, and that could dramatically outperform IPsec even more (and outperform Wireguard too with AES-NI supporting systems as Wireguard does not support AES). https://openvpn.net/openvpn-hackathon-2019/ "The team expects to open source their kernel module in Q1 of 2020 and afterwards work on merging it into the kernel mainline." If you have any experimental data set showing IPsec beating the performance of OpenVPN 2 in our optimized setup please let us know. On top of that, we must also say that when we founded AirVPN in 2010 we preferred OpenVPN not on performance evaluations, but because the suspicion that NSA had compromised IPsec appeared legitimate. Later, such suspicions appeared even more legitimate, see for example the "Snowden documents" (Bullrun program, for example https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@metzdowd.com/msg12325.html) as well as https://weakdh.org/imperfect-forward-secrecy.pdf page 9. Kind regards
  13. @GhastMaster OK, fine! It means the problem was not caused by the bug we have detected. Well, we're glad to know anyway that the problem is resolved. Kind regards
  14. @GhastMaster Hummingbird uses OpenVPN3-AirVPN library which is remarkably more efficient than OpenVPN 2, so a slight throughput improvement is possible. You should also notice connections and disconnections up to 200 times faster than OpenVPN 2. Kind regards
  15. Hello! It's a bug, we have detected it and it will be fixed soon. To resolve the situation in the meantime: open a terminal type the command sudo rm /etc/airvpn/* set your favorite DNS with your system utilities Now Hummingbird will be able to run properly again. Kind regards
  16. Hello! Yes, already checked in another thread months ago, no traffic leaks. Remember that Windows does not reset sockets when routing table and default gateway change but Network Lock prevents leaks. Specifically tested for telemetry service. Firewall rules ensure no traffic leaks but then again you might have processes from the manufacturer that secretly modify the system packet filtering table and then restore them without leaving traces. It's not rational running a closed source Operating System nowadays but that's what most people prefer (at least in the Desktop market), so we provide solutions to minimize risks. Kind regards
  17. Hello! We would like to remind everybody that: starting from version 2.18, only Eddie Desktop edition GUI is written in C# - all the backend is written in C++ (including Windows edition) Linux and Mac users who don't want to have to do anything with Mono can run Hummingbird which is tiny, fast, free and open source software, using OpenVPN3-AirVPN library according to our roadmap we will release (planned within April 2020) a daemon for Linux and macOS written in C++ and based on OpenVPN3-AirVPN library the mentioned daemon will be fully integrated with AirVPN and documented to provide the knowledge to write a client for it. AirVPN will release a command line client and a Qt based client with a full featured GUI Due to its instability and psycho design in Android, Mono was abandoned before first Eddie Android edition stable version was released. More precisely Mono was disavowed by 1.0 RC 5. Changelog 1.0 RC 5 (VC 8) - Release date: 21 September 2018 by ProMIND - [ProMIND] Complete porting and rewrite in Java language. As for mono, C#, libmonosgen and libmonodroid: "so long, and thanks for all the fish" Kind regards
  18. Hello! Our referral system conditions have been updated today, 08/Apr/20. Please check referral conditions here: https://airvpn.org/faq/referrals/ Do not hesitate to contact us privately for any clarification. Kind regards
  19. This topic is closed. Anyone still having some issue can continue in the following, new thread: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/46329-eddie-desktop-219beta-released/
  20. Hello! Your Eddie version is several years old (thanks for having picked AirVPN since a long ago!) and is causing the problem. Please upgrade Eddie and the problem should get resolved. You can download Eddie latest stable release (currently 2.18.9) for Windows here: https://airvpn.org/windows Kind regards
  21. This version contains some bug fixes (in Windows and some OS X and macOS versions) we discovered after 2.18.9 stable version had been released. You don't need to download it if you don't have any issue with the latest stable release. Version 2.19.0 (Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:11:42 +0000) [bugfix] - Windows, Custom DNS [change] - Windows, DNS, switch only UP network adapter [bugfix] - MacOS, fix PKG package (relocation disabled) [bugfix] - MacOS, fix signature issue with older Yosemite
  22. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new Eddie Air client version has been released: 2.19beta. It is ready for public beta testing. How to test our experimental release: Go to download page of your OS Click on Other versions Click on Experimental Look at the changelog if you wish Download and install Please see the changelog: https://eddie.website/changelog/?software=client&format=html PLEASE CONSIDER THIS AS A BETA VERSION. Don't use it for real connection, it's only for those who want to collaborate to the project as beta-tester.
  23. @Maddog77 Hello! Can you tell us your Linux distribution name and exact version? Both OpenVPN and curl appear old. Please upgrade OpenVPN and curl, or consider to upgrade the distribution itself, and the problem should be solved. In reality, if you don't need tls-crypt and IPv6, you can still run OpenVPN 2.3.10. However curl needs an update as your version (which is invoked by Eddie) seems unable to support the latest TLS requirements by our servers. Alternatively you can avoid to use Eddie and run OpenVPN directly, but you will lose all the additional features Eddie is packed with. Hummingbird (another free and open source software by AirVPN) might or might not be a viable option, it depends on how old glibc and other libraries are in your system. One of the oldest Linux distributions that can run Hummingbird is Debian 9, which features really archaic and obsolete software & kernel, in line with Debian philosophy, so it's possible that your distribution can run it too. Kind regards
  24. @Berlingo Hello! Can you please check your Eddie version? If it's older than 2.18.9 please upgrade and test again. You can download Eddie latest stable release (currently 2.18.9) for Windows here: https://airvpn.org/windows You can download Eddie latest stable release (currently 2.18.9) for Linux here: https://airvpn.org/linux You can download Eddie latest stable release (currently 2.18.9) for Mac here: https://airvpn.org/macos Kind regards
  25. @Genje Hello! Does the port exist in your system, i.e. does the listening service listen to the correct interface and correct port (it must not bind to the physical network interface)? What is the software that must receive the forwarded packets? Kind regards
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