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  1. @airnoob Eddie desktop edition development is up to Clodo and we have reported the roadmap in other threads. We leave further details to Clodo himself if he wishes to add anything. There's no doubt that several issues need to be fixed and they will be fixed. Nothing has been abandoned. For issues pertaining to Ubuntu 18, please open a ticket and it will be handled by developers. Political nonsense is your opinion. If you want to insinuate that our support to freedom of expression is out of the scope of our mission than we completely disagree. We remain convinced that our actions of any kind are fully compliant to our mission, and even mandatory under some respect, in consideration of the attacks against fundamental rights which are unprecedented in "Western" countries in the last decades. None of our actions in support of freedom of expression impacted Eddie desktop edition development in any way. About projects assigned to ProMIND, they are all confirmed, in particular: further development of Eddie Android edition further development of new features on "OpenVPN 3.x AirVPN", on top of the already available ChaCha20 cipher on the Data Channale, new class supporting any AEAD cipher and ncp-disable directive development of new software for platforms based on Linux. FreeBSD and OpenBDS (OpenIndiana is under consideration), in this order MacOS will be part of the development for FreeBSD (various BSD elements on Darwin make the development for Mac partially compatible with ProMIND assignments with no over-complications, according to an initial overview) the new software for the aforementioned systems will initially couple Eddie, will use "OpenVPN 3 AirVPN" library (while Eddie will remain on OpenVPN 2 branch) and will not be tied to Mono in any way It's important to underline again the the above projects have been, are and will be managed without subtracting any resource from Eddie desktop editions development. They are completely separate "branches" with their own, parallel and independent resources. Kind regards
  2. Hello! The datacenter operations might be impaired by the charges against the datacenter management issued on last June and related to crimes allegedly committed in 2012: https://www.cp24.com/news/owners-of-toronto-web-hosting-company-charged-in-massive-child-pornography-bust-1.4474497 Although our VPN servers in that datacenter have still IPv4 connectivity, only on some IP addresses, we can't of course count on them reliably. We are therefore shutting them down. Infrastructure in Canada remains with 31 servers capable of 1 Gbit/s bandwidth each, which provide wide redundancy, and we will anyway enlarge it whenever necessary. Kind regards
  3. Hello! Your ISP can't detect the traffic type (protocol, application) in the VPN tunnel. Also, your ISP can't detect remote ports for your incoming connections, those are VPN servers ports and your local network interface ports. When the traffic passes through your ISP network it's still or already encrypted. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Multiple connectivity problems are still affecting all the 6 servers. We have no communications from the provider so far. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Servers connectivity has been partially restored. IPv6 is still unavailable and entry-IP addresses 3 and 4 seem unreachable. Kind regards
  6. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that we have now activated a Singapore server running OpenVPN 2.5 supporting ChaCha20: Luyten, it will make connections from various Asian locations quicker. Kind regards
  7. Hello! We regret to inform you that we have been unable to contact one of our providers in Canada since 24 hours ago. All of its servers are down as well as its web sites. Affected servers are the following five: Almach Dheneb Grumium Kraz Rana Spica Luckily infrastructure redundancy is so high in Canada that lack of those five servers will not impact quality of service. We will update this thread with future developments, as soon as we receive any kind of information. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  8. Hello! On average Vancouver servers are 70% free. Bandwidth peaks do not exceed 50% availability. Demand for Vancouver bandwidth is still well within infrastructure redundancy. Kind regards
  9. Ignore the previous message, we can infer the class of your OS from a line of the crash. Please try this: open a terminal in your Mac type the command sudo rm ~/.airvpn/default.xml run Eddie "default.xml" is Eddie configuration file and from the crash report we suspect it's corrupt. Eddie will re-create a new "default.xml" configuration file at the next run with default settings and the problem should be resolved. Kind regards
  10. Hello, what is your Operating System name and version? Kind regards
  11. Hello! On the server side we run OpenVPN 2.5 to offer ChaCha20-Poly1305 on the Data Channel. OpenVPN 2.5 is still in beta testing, although some key functions are performed by OpenSSL or mbedTLS which are stable, so we mark servers running OpenVPN 2.5 as "Experimental" (you will see them listed with the yellow warning color). OpenVPN 2.4.7 does not support ChaCha20 on the Data Channel so it's a no go (note that OpenVPN 3 is a library with client only, and not server, features). When OpenVPN 2.5 stable version is released, then ALL of our servers will support ChaCha20 on the Data Channel. Estimated release date is November 2019 according to OpenVPN community. In the meantime please feel free to use ChaCha20 on the experimental servers, of course. We can expand the network of experimental servers if we receive requests. Currently the servers in Canada and the Netherlands seem enough to support the traffic of clients using ChaCha20, but please let us have your feedback! Kind regards
  12. Hello! Eddie Android edition 2.4 stable is out! Kind regards
  13. Hello! We inform you that we will replace very soon server "Reticulum" in Singapore. A new server will take its place, in the very same datacenter. Reticulum is expected to stop working around the 1st of August. In the meantime we recommend that you connect to any other Singapore server. We will announce the new server as soon as it is ready. Singapore infrastructure offers a lot of redundancy, therefore we expect no load problems at all before the replacement is completed. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  14. Hello! Yes: you can change the behavior by un-ticking "Allow ping" in "Preferences" > "Network Lock" window (then click "Save" to store the change). Kind regards
  15. Hello! You are probably trying to run Eddie 64 bit version in your 32 bit architecture Windows, which is impossible. Please download the version for 32 bit architecture. In the download page you have the option to pick 32 or 64 bit and the web server will send you the proper package. Get rid of the current version in your system and install again. Kind regards
  16. @giganerd Oh yes, if one needs to run Windows in a VM and have its traffic outside the host VPN tunnel, then the most logical and probably easiest approach is just using the VM in bridge mode, hands down. In case a VM is not required, as perhaps it might be for Creative CC, then cgroups come handy. The purpose was to inform that traffic splitting on an application basis with OpenVPN is possible not only in Android but in Linux too, with the currently available applications that provide AirVPN integration. Kind regards
  17. Please feel free to ask. See below. You might run Adobe CC in the proper environment and have that environment in the proper cgroup (handled automatically by Qomui). It's easy to run ACC in various Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora, but not in all of them. An idea: https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-adobe-creative-cloud-linux/ @giganerd Also, even if OP could not run CC in his Linux distribution, reply was meant to clarify that traffic splitting on an application basis is also possible in Linux. Note that cgroups are Linux kernel specific, not available in FreeBSD and OpenBSD kernels. Once you have traffic splitting on an application basis, in several cases you don't need anymore a whole bridged VM to split traffic of specific apps. Kind regards
  18. Update: Eddie Android edition 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is available. Please check the thread updated initial message for changes. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Please check your system DNS settings before and after the issue occurs. It's a trivial yet safest and fastest way to understand what happens. It's important to know that Eddie changes nameservers immediately after the VPN server DNS push. After that, and during the same VPN session, Eddie does not check or alter DNS anymore, so if "you" (your system) changes them on the fly, Eddie will not do anything. Additionally, you must be aware that Eddie may NOT able to handle DNS properly in systems where systemd-networkd AND systemd-resolved run (also important to know: systemd-resolved might run with or without systemd-networkd running). Unless you have on-link DNS (an abomination for DNS leaks, which unfortunately is now available on Linux too) Linux has a global DNS, so DNS leaks simply don't exist (DNS queries are tunneled regardless the DNS server they are sent to). For various complications and combinations involving DNS please cross check: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-networkd Kind regards
  20. Hello! Qomui for Linux allows traffic splitting on an application basis, through cgroups. https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/26327-alternative-airvpn-client-with-provider-independent-double-hop-support-gnulinux/?do=findComment&comment=71685 Whether the feature is compatible with leaks prevention (of any traffic not to/from the "out of tunnel" processes) via firewall rules can be clarified by Corrado, Qomui author. Kind regards
  21. Hello! It is not planned at the moment but we can of course keep your suggestion into consideration. What's the purpose? By knowing the scenario we can make better decisions. Kind regards
  22. Hello! Eddie desktop edition is being developed as usual, with somehow a slower pace but you will see news soon. Eddie Android edition and OpenVPN 3 fork are being developed by another small team that does not work in any way on Eddie Desktop editions. Additional software for Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD (as well as OpenIndiana under consideration) will also be developed by the same team, after Eddie 2.4 stable is released. Currently the roadmap includes software for both x86 and ARM based Linux. Kind regards
  23. Hello! Yes, definitely. According to our roadmap, "OpenVPN 3.3 AirVPN" based clients will be deployed for Linux (not only x86 but also ARM), OpenBSD and FreeBSD, three systems which are widely used even in various devices (including routers) using CPUs not supporting AES-NI. Kind regards
  24. Hello! We can't reproduce the issue... Please upgrade to Eddie 2.3, or 2.4 beta 1 and test again at your convenience. Also, do not enter custom directive "block-outside-dns": that's a directive implemented only on OpenVPN 2.3.x and higher version for Windows, which is a system with incomplete DNS implementation (lack of global DNS). Kind regards
  25. Hello! You can't at the moment: please generate profiles directly with Eddie Android edition, or use the following directives to connect from different platforms (remember that only OpenVPN 2.5 beta and OpenVPN 3.3 AirVPN support ChaCha20 on Data Channel): ncp-disable cipher CHACHA20-POLY1305 Kind regards
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