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    cm0s reacted to therion in Free Trial   ...
    My mistake. All fixed. Apologies. Thank you for pointing out my mistake
  2. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Waterfox, a 64-bit Firefox for all major platforms   ...
    appreciate the updates on Waterfox and I do wish the developer success

    and giganerd, again, i am so happy you are on linux, i really am

    sincerely, splif aka cm0s
  3. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Waterfox, a 64-bit Firefox for all major platforms   ...
    appreciate the updates on Waterfox and I do wish the developer success

    and giganerd, again, i am so happy you are on linux, i really am

    sincerely, splif aka cm0s
  4. Like
    cm0s reacted to Linkoping in Free Trial   ...
    No worries. I plan on buying a 6 month in a few days.
  5. Like
    cm0s reacted to zhang888 in Waterfox, a 64-bit Firefox for all major platforms   ...
    I still strongly recommend to avoid it. From:
    Fixed Netflix playing issues once more. It appears that Netflix compares user agent strings against the ability of that browser version to play EME. I've now set the user agent to pretend that Waterfox is Firefox 38, which seems to have fixed the issue once more  
    Great choice, now you have a unique fingerprint on the web since nobody is using Firefox 38 in 2017.
    There was very bad weather in London last week and my flat got damaged in the process. Unfortunately a lot of my computer equipment got Water damage, which has delayed the release until now. My Mac is being repaired by Apple (once more), so expect Mac builds to be delayed once again. Your security and updates are in the hands of a single developer, which is never a good practice when you need constant updates, and with browsers, you really need them.
  6. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from itsmefloraluca in Help me decide....   ...
    keeping the logs isn't a good thing
    that stuff usually leads to mohr data mining of sorts
    and totally agree with durkasmurk
  7. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Switching to Linux - a humble report   ...
    i'm on the giganerd super deluxe hardened edition
  8. Like
    cm0s reacted to serenacat in Windows 10 - Security comparison?   ...
    "You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I'll tell you what: No computer is safe, I don't care what they say."
    How do I buy shares in Pony Express ?
  9. Like
    cm0s reacted to OmniNegro in South Carolina = insane asylum   ...
    Upon further inspection, it appears as if Rep. Bill Chumley might just using his bullshit anti-porn stance as a means to extract more money from computer and tablet manufacturers. The bill comes with an ‘opt out’ option which allows manufacturers to pay the state of South Carolina $20/device for every device sold without the porn-blocking software. And buyers will also have the option of spending an additional $20 to purchase a device without the porn-blocking software.
    So, if you’re reading between the lines, it appears as if this fuckboi’s using his hatred of porn as a means to suck money out of the very people who voted for him in the first place, and it’s fucking bullshit if you ask me."
    So this greedy shitbag is just extorting everyone for $20 per device in the entire state.
  10. Like
    cm0s reacted to Ricnvolved1956 in South Carolina = insane asylum   ...
    Yes, Omni-- there really are people that stupid in Sowf Kakalakki. I live one state above that shit hole and while we have our share of stupid people, the ones down below are a special breed. The fact that Pedo Mcdickcheese and that other @ssclown co-sponsoring that legislation are elected to public office should be all the proof you need.
    Anyone familiar with the current state of the Amerikan political scene should be familiar by now with what's really going on with these weasels (and plenty others just like them). It's called catering to your political base, e.g. Sucking up to the lowest common denominator. I'm not kidding when I say this is what most republican politicians see as real governing. You come up with some kind of social issue that the great unwashed and unread will salivate over like Pavlov's dog. It gets the mouth breathers all riled up and braying like jackasses to get out the torches and pitchforks. Most of the republican politicians who concoct crazy sh*t like this proposed legislation know it has little to no chance of becoming law. In the unlikely event that it does, it will eventually be struck down. But that really doesn't matter very much to the fools who come up this kind of legislation. If it gets the base howling in outrage then the Chumleys have accomplished their purpose. That the legislation is defeated, or the law struck down, makes them look even more like a hero to the dummies.
    Conservative republicans are clever muthaf***ers; they know very well what the lizard brains respond to and get MIGHTILY worked up about. Trust me when I say that the Chumleys in the world find this much easier and much more ego-puffing than doing the actual hard job of real governing. I have claimed for 35 years that an elected politician is a pretty accurate reflection of the intelligence (or tremendous lack thereof) of those who elected him/her to office.
  11. Like
    cm0s reacted to pr1v in What to do ?   ...
    I recommend you to use Eddie with network lock always. But if you want to use the network manager (I read in some other place it's not safe) then check if you added lzo compression or not (but use it disabled).
  12. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Happy Xmas Everyone   ...
    hey thank you and happy holidays to you also
    i enjoy the holidays but am totally glad when they are over
    just seems like folks are a bit more relaxed and 'back to normal'
    i did have a chat with Santa tho and he told me i should go ahead and
    buy another wifi card, maybe a dual band Alfa, that would go good
    with my parabolic, see if i can find one that has a blue light on it
    the blue light is important, it has nothing to do with specs but just looks
    really cool
    Santa also stated he was now accepting bitcoin along with the usual cookies
    and milk that folks leave out, i agreed, very good idea
    he asked about encryption blah blah i stated 'airvpn bruh, duh ??'
    well, ok, i'm gonna go drink too much coffee and double up on some meds
  13. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Happy Xmas Everyone   ...
    hey thank you and happy holidays to you also
    i enjoy the holidays but am totally glad when they are over
    just seems like folks are a bit more relaxed and 'back to normal'
    i did have a chat with Santa tho and he told me i should go ahead and
    buy another wifi card, maybe a dual band Alfa, that would go good
    with my parabolic, see if i can find one that has a blue light on it
    the blue light is important, it has nothing to do with specs but just looks
    really cool
    Santa also stated he was now accepting bitcoin along with the usual cookies
    and milk that folks leave out, i agreed, very good idea
    he asked about encryption blah blah i stated 'airvpn bruh, duh ??'
    well, ok, i'm gonna go drink too much coffee and double up on some meds
  14. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Happy Xmas Everyone   ...
    hey thank you and happy holidays to you also
    i enjoy the holidays but am totally glad when they are over
    just seems like folks are a bit more relaxed and 'back to normal'
    i did have a chat with Santa tho and he told me i should go ahead and
    buy another wifi card, maybe a dual band Alfa, that would go good
    with my parabolic, see if i can find one that has a blue light on it
    the blue light is important, it has nothing to do with specs but just looks
    really cool
    Santa also stated he was now accepting bitcoin along with the usual cookies
    and milk that folks leave out, i agreed, very good idea
    he asked about encryption blah blah i stated 'airvpn bruh, duh ??'
    well, ok, i'm gonna go drink too much coffee and double up on some meds
  15. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from ruler2016 in qBittorent and embedded tracker   ...
    well, my two cents on it without reading the manual is
    any time ya got less 'tracker' duh better
  16. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from ruler2016 in qBittorent and embedded tracker   ...
    well, my two cents on it without reading the manual is
    any time ya got less 'tracker' duh better
  17. Like
    cm0s reacted to Littlemexican in Merry Christmas and a happy 2017!   ...
    Dear all,
    I want to wish every Airvpn member a Merry Christmas and a happy 2017!
    Thanks for the help and support everyone! Let's make Airvpn better and better!

  18. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from itsmefloraluca in Help me decide....   ...
    keeping the logs isn't a good thing
    that stuff usually leads to mohr data mining of sorts
    and totally agree with durkasmurk
  19. Like
    cm0s reacted to spookygoy in Suggestions for Setting up Bitcoin Account - Beginner   ...
    Hi, what I started doing was this.
    Purchase an Amazon Gift Card with cash from some place like a 7-11,  Walgreens,  etc.
    make an account on  localbitcoins.com   and search for people trading bitcoins for  Amazon Gift Cards.     Its usually straight forward, you upload them an image of the card with its receipt showing it was paid in cash, and that the numbers on the card match the receipt.  Some BTC sellers might have you write on the receipt, etc.
    That's how I have started to acquire bitcoins as anonymously as possible.  It's not perfect because you can be ID'd  on camera buying it, but chances are tapes would be overwritten by then if someone came looking for you and you actually did anything warranting that kind of attention.
    You WILL lose money on this process because of the BTC prices rising and falling,   but that is the price you pay for maintaining some level of anonymity.
  20. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from OmniNegro in South Carolina = insane asylum   ...
    i got about 3 sentences into that article then wanted to call my doctor to see if he 'd give me shock treatment for x-mas
  21. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Switching to Linux - a humble report   ...
    i'm on the giganerd super deluxe hardened edition
  22. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Switching to Linux - a humble report   ...
    i'm on the giganerd super deluxe hardened edition
  23. Like
    cm0s reacted to OpenSourcerer in Switching to Linux - a humble report   ...
    Usage of operating systems is like living in countries: There are laws, things you may or may not do. Also, there are people, talking one or two certain languages, behaving in a certain way. Operating systems are like that: There are restrictions on the system what you can do and what is more difficult. And there is software, supporting certain languages, behaving in a certain way. You can of course decide to use two or more OSes, but it's like renting a holiday cottage and visiting it a few times a year. There's always home, as there's always a primary OS.
    I chose this simile because it reflects a bit of myself. I lived a certain amount of my lifetime in Russia, and now I live in Germany. Two different legal systems, two different kinds of people. As it is with switching my primary OS: I've been using Windows for a certain amount of time and now I switched to Linux.
    Why? Windows more and more gives me the feeling that it's nothing but a machine for procrastination and entertainment (besides being a cash cow for Microsoft). Like Facebook, where scrolling through your feed gives neither knowledge nor wisdom, it's only good at burning time. Also, Microsoft's recent publications marked them the enemy for me: What reputable, customer-centered company would publically say "Our goal is to have 1 billion Windows (10) installations by 2018"? It just shows me that Windows is no longer the OS "you want to fall in love with". Also, when Windows 10 was announced along with the Windows-as-a-Service plan, I really started to question my habits. I would not want to pay for an OS which spys on people and restricts both your creativity and productivity.
    My intention with this post is to show how easy or difficult it is to switch to Linux and what steps it involved for me so you get an idea how much work is needed. The thread can then be used for discussions.

    The first decision one needs to make, besides deciding to actually switch, is which distribution one's going to use (and which desktop environment but that's another thing). Since I work with SUSE Linux Exterprise in the company, I wanted to use OpenSUSE. So I downloaded a Live CD of it, wrote it on a USB drive and attempted to start it. It didn't work, it hang on a "Assuming drive cache: write through" message referencing the USB drive. To see whether it's a problem with USB, I went ahead and installed it. This time, it worked, and I was welcomed with GNOME. And while I was making my first steps in this new world.. it hung itself up. Just like that. It still did after several reboots.
    So I was thinking, maybe it was a driver issue because I experienced dozens of those in the past. So I downloaded Ubuntu to see if this would work, and the Live CD did. I didn't install it, though. It's popular and maybe it has the highest compatibility with different kinds of hardware (due to easy access to proprietary drivers) but I thought to myself, I don't want a distribution aimed at beginners. I also used Linux Mint on my netbook and found it too much pre-configured (but Cinnamon was cool!).
    So I decided to go with Debian out of a few reasons.
    I like how Debian puts you in control while you don't need to configure everything in detail. There's this huge software repository, of course. It's well documented and supported. I also like Debian's mindset about free software, like the DFSG (there also were some guidelines on behavior inside the community or something like it but I don't find the links anymore ). Installed, booted, same hanging. Here the DE would "crash" and show a shell with one repeated message from nouveau: "GPU lock". This is where I knew it has to be the open source driver causing this; it forced me to use the proprietary driver for now. Its installation could be done in two ways: By downloading it from nVidias homepage or from Debian's non-free repos. I chose the latter since it was easier to set up. I even found a guide for this. Anyway, the drivers fixed the only hardware problem I had with switching.

    Next steps included the configuration of the OS for production.
    Setting up Cinnamon
    This included spawning a few desklets and altering the taskbar. xkcd on your desktop, what could be cooler than being greeted with one of these when you log in? And of course a system monitor. Mounting the other drives
    I reserved a 500 GiB partition for Linux, but there's still the other half of the hard drive plus my Windows 8.1 SSD and a 2 TiB media drive, all of which I wanted to have access to from Linux. Mounting the SSD and the media drive was easy and I "hardcoded" it directly into /etc/fstab. But the other half of the hard drive caused a small error. The thing is, it still contains a working Windows installation which I kept there to allow troubleshooting the SSD in case it failed. mount told me it wouldn't mount the partition in read-write mode because Windows was allegedly not shut down completely. I don't know what the Windows 8 bootloader is doing but going through man mount I found an option to clear the hibernation cache or something which did the trick. Installing and setting up programs I needed
    I was using mostly open source and cross-platform software on Windows, in general software which was also available on Linux. Even migrating settings sometimes involved a simple move command (like Firefox and Thunderbird profiles). Also installed Steam and Wine. And Steam on Wine, though I use this combination in very rare occasions. I was very surprised to see almost all games I played on Windows were available as Linux builds on Steam. So much for "Linux is not ready for gaming". Also: openvpn and airvpn, both of which work much better than on Windows in terms of stability, qbittorrent, vlc, PDF editing tools, a number of others as well. Some of these apps were installed to replace already included things, for example zsh instead of bash. Overall experience
    Linux is a wonderful desktop OS. But it depends on many points how easy or difficult it will be for you.
    Sometimes the switch fails because of unsupported hardware.
    As you have read, the open source driver nouveau has its problems with certain nVidia graphics cards. When I searched for this on the internet I found out I am not the only one with this: nVidia don't support nouveau like they supported nv so most work on nouveau had to be done by reverse engineering their proprietary drivers which involved much work and time I imagine. Most people at my age don't switch because they use Windows for gaming, especially for playing the notorious "triple A" games which are traditionally Windows/DirectX only, using the newest tech hardware and software can offer.
    I can understand this point of view, even I still have Windows on my SSD which I see as a last reserve when Wine fails. There was no reason to boot Windows yet so update-wise it's like 60 days behind. But in most cases it fails because people have no experience with Linux.
    Most of them expect it to work like Windows. "Windows != Linux" is often cited in this case - Windows is not Linux. Linux does not aim to be like Windows, Linux also doesn't want to be a replacement for Windows. Understanding this is key if you're new to it. If you do the switch, be ready to read. Like, a lot. As for me, I had experience with Linux before. The hardware problem was a small one, multiple smaller complications arose, ensued, were overcome and I don't focus my time on gaming. My choice is clear.
    What about you? Planning on switching? Maybe you already use Linux? If yes, tell us which distribution and desktop you use and why. Give some tips for "potential switchers", for newbies and for pros if you like.

    Windows you ditch,
    to Linux you switch.

    I have stumbled upon my second self on Reddit who wrote this:
  24. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in Oldie but a goodie   ...
    if ya look at life in general, whether a fish or critter on land, everything has a 'den' or 'home' a place to 'hide' or go to for safety
    without that, life wouldn't not be able to survive, at all
    without 'privacy' critters wouldn't have a safe spot to eat, feed their young etc
    ya look at any animal in captivity, no matter how well kept, and it hurts the heart
    they have no privacy, at all
    if ya were to ask me the biggest threat to mankind besides an asteroid i'd say lack of privacy
  25. Like
    cm0s got a reaction from LZ1 in My review on FN, we should all help AirVPN get noticed   ...
    To me one of the best things that can be done Oldkrow and you already did it is just saying hello. I had been with a few other vpn providers and straight up they were all fine. Some had live chat others didn't. Some supported the linux terminal others didn't etc. Sometimes xyz server was good other times it had a bad day. And then to agree with what LZ1 stated my bad linux day can turn into a bad customer day. That's the simple truth. If yer techy and ya like tweaking boxes well there ya have: 'what's this button do'?
    I live a very loner style life and don't hang too many places. Just had a death in the family about a month ago and not handling it well at all. Add to that dealing with the VA and blah blah yeah, not always happy with myself. All I want and need from my vpn provider is one thing: that they have my back even when I don't. And I got that here. That's not something you can pay for, not something you can sell in an ad anywhere. It's a gut level thing.
    I like yer nic and hope to read more posts from ya. Good to meet ya. Thank you for your post.
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