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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello, Thanks for your answer. The solution in the link you kindly provided didn't solve my problem, actually the AirVPN wireguard tunnel stop working at all when using the specified long AllowedIPs chain. But it did set me in the right direction : the blog post regarding the IP calculator detailed a better alternative, which is to change the routing table for the subnet to be excluded, in my case. So for the record my working config file is : [Interface] Address = XXX/32, XXX/128 PrivateKey = XXX DNS =, fd7d:76ee:e68f:a993::1 PreUp = ip route add via dev enp0s4 PostDown = ip route del via dev enp0s4 [Peer] PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX Endpoint = nl.vpn.airdns.org:1637 AllowedIPs =, ::/0 PersistentKeepalive = 15
  2. 1 point
    I will mark this as solved to underline that Linux Is The Solution. Especially to all kinds of Windows problems
  3. 1 point

    ANSWERED Fake subreddit r/AirVPN?

    I'm the mod in question. The subreddit is not official – and not forgotten. I track the Reddit posts via RSS and intervene within hours if necessary, as I had to just the other week when one account quite rudely violated rule 2 during the sale. Happens often. It's neither a scam nor a hoax, but the party is over here in the forums, so people are encouraged to join it. Mostly, it's just offline time with nice ebooks – I've been on quite the reading frenzy these past few weeks, let me tell you. You could say holiday, I guess, though I do work in between, but other than for work the computers are staying off currently.
  4. 1 point

    VPN servers mostly blocked by Reddit

    I just found out how to detour the blocking without using old.reddit.com. All you have to do is make a cookie following the next rules: - domain: .reddit.com - name: reddit_session - value: any value as you want. It supposed to have your Reddit session data, but it can be anything just to detour the blocking. e.g., 0 - path: / I used cookiebro extension to import and export a cookie but how to add a cookie is up to you. It is naive but it works anyway. I hope it helps, and they don't block this solution too soon. Or maybe you can use the cookiebro-cookie-.reddit.com-reddit_session.json which I confirmed working on firefox and chromium.
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