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ANSWERED The submitted private key does not match the submitted certificate data.

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after issues i'm trying to install pfsense 2.5 with instructions and i've pulled the information from the generator and i keep getting the following error.
so i don't know what the #$% i'm doing wrong.

The submitted private key does not match the submitted certificate data.

i'm really getting pissed off with pfsense and arivpn.  

are there instructions for 2.7.2 or at least some that work.  

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I'm guessing you're putting the wrong data in the wrong place.  AirVPN and pfsense work just fine :)

From your config:

the data in the <ca> field goes into the field where you "import an existing certificate authority" in the authorities section.

the data in the <cert> and in the <key> field go into the certificate data and private key data in the certificates section where again you "import an existing certificate"

the <tls-crypt> (or auth) data goes into the openvpn config in the TLS key section

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