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Opnsense and openvpn users

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lend me your ear...

since updating(I am currently on community 24.1) I moved over to openvpn "instances". as advertised by Opnsense months ago and I am glad I did.

my speeds have increased for all tunnels used.  

in setup under misc please make sure to check route-no exec. as it took me many hours to figure that step out.  

please share if this also increased your speeds.  

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That makes openvpn not add routes to the system table automatically which requires you to do policy routing via firewall rules.  That's great, the way I do it on pfsense.  But just make sure you're actually using the VPN and the speed increase isn't because you're not actually using the VPN :)

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yes I have confirmed.. 

opnsense is setup so certain devices still go over wan.  TV and certain IOT devices. 
certain devices are policy routed over airvpn etc 

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been using Pfsense and then Opnsense for 6+ years now.   always used a few different "providers".  those that use tis crypt that is.
before I would setup a tunnel and setup snd rcv buffers since I had the ability to until instances..

    Now I figured out the routenoexec was the only option that needs checked for the multiple tunnels to work, and it not take my entire connection down.     All 3 providers went from 60Mb to max 80Mb Download speed...  to just now I got 128mb down and 50Mb up with one tunnel.    I have a 500Mb fiber line down and up.  I have zero interest in running wireguard just yet.   yes I have used it... I just prefer openvpn currently 

hoping someone else can setup a instance tunnel to see how it works for them? 

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I'm thinking the speed increase is coming from some other change in the OS that's coincident.

That's unfortunate that you can no longer control the buffers for the openvpn connection.

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You have me tempted to go back to business version and test your theory 

I'd just prefer to be on a new OpenSSL version... and who knows there is another possibility of the speed increases? 

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