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New list that is up to date

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I found this list that is kept up to date for blocking porn.  Not sure what all information is required by AIR but this is what I have found:

The names seems to be StevenBlack from github

This is the main site:   https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/blob/master/alternates/porn/readme.md

and this is the list:  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/porn/hosts

Sorry if this is not the correct way, I am not all that computer savvy.

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Hmm, I thought I could just copy his list to my host file but that completely locked up my internet, couldn't connect to anything at all, I guess it is the that is doing that?

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What OS are you using?  If you're on Windows, a large hosts (3MB or bigger) file causes a lot of issues; it can slow connections to a crawl. Steven Black's hosts files are huge, and they contain the main block list plus additional categories.  If you want to use Steven Black's main list, I would recommend using it through Air at the DNS level.  The porn list is not updated here often.
On your local machine, I suggest combining Dan Pollock's list https://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/hosts with this anti-porn list https://github.com/4skinSkywalker/Anti-Porn-HOSTS-File
It will keep your local hosts file at 2MB and still block most of what you need whether you're connected to AirVPN or not.

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Win10.  Ah, didn't know about the size thing, that would explain why FF wouldn't connect to anything etc.  I don't know how to use a list with a DNS,

I did find CleanBrowsing DNS which is a child proof DNS, it really blocks youtube videos (historical content like WW2 documentaries) which is more then what I want, but I can connect to UT via AIR with it and I would rather the internet be too locked down then not enough.  Keeping kids safe is a hard job.

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The StevenBlack host list is contained in OISD Full, so this could be a duplicate to some extent.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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