itsmefloraluca 7 Posted ... 2Eddie Log créé le 27 août 2020 10:20:15 UTCHello fellow members. I've been having a problem using Eddie or Open Vpn on my mobile phone. It gives me a connection but i always get time out error or name not resolved. On wifi i dont have these problems. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenSourcerer 1442 Posted ... system_vpn_lock: true Just a remark: Since you are using Android 10, the VPN lock in Eddie is not needed. Consider setting up Always-On VPN option of Android and select Eddie as the VPN app. You will get a more sophisticated Network Lock this way. system_pause_vpn_when_screen_is_off: true This option is also potentially problematic in regard to your problem, but also as a whole. Everytime you turn off your screen, the VPN connection is disconnected, but not closed. This might provoke problems with connectivity. As for the log output, did I get it right that you changed from WIFI to WIFI, as in, from one network to another and not WIFI to 3G/4G or vice versa? 1 Staff reacted to this Quote Hide OpenSourcerer's signature Hide all signatures NOT AN AIRVPN TEAM MEMBER. USE TICKETS FOR PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too! Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page. Share this post Link to post
itsmefloraluca 7 Posted ... Thank you giganerd for your input. I will try what you mentioned about Android 10. What you mentioned about if i changed wifi to wifi. When i'm not home i use my mobile 4G network and i put it on wifi when at home. Using wifi at home i can use eddie were as with my mobile phone 4G i have problems cant load pages timeouts. I used eddie on other phones didn't have 4G problem connections. Once again Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post