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ANSWERED Connection issues after fresh OS install

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I redid my PC with a new hard drive and fresh install of Windows 7 Professional  64 bit. I was using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 before. 


After all the windows updates, etc I proceeded in installing and getting things set up,I got Eddie installed and qBittorrent like I did before. I was even able to copy all my qBittorrent settings over from my old hard drive.


The problem is now my torrent speeds are slower, the more torrents I download, the slower each one gets. I never had this problem before. They are slower than they used to be before I re did my PC, and I can't really even surf the net while downloading torrents. I could surf the net decently even downloading 20 torrents before...WHILE connected to Eddie. 


Does anyone know what the issue may be?


I have no speed or rate limits set in qBittorrent, I double checked they weren't clicked. If I download torrents without Eddie turned on, then speeds are like they used to be when I had my old OS and even with Eddie on. 


Is there a setting I don't remember in Eddie that I need to redo? I forget if I had anything set in Eddie before. 


COuld it be that Windows 7 Professional has different connection settings in "Local Area Network" that Windows 7 Ultimate? I have been noticing different things with Professional, such as Windows Defender and my profile continually warning me every time I start a program, which I never had with Windows Professional. Is there certain things I can or need to disable in "Local Area Network" that are affecting Eddie? 


Like I said, it is as my speed goes right down the toilet. A file that took 20 min before, now takes 1-2 hours. I did connection test with just Eddie on and it was fine, fast as always. It's fine before I turn qBittorent on, but once I do that...BAM. I can't surf the net if I have more than two torrents downloading, and their speeds are slower than they should be. It seems to be something with qBittorent? But, my settings are as they were before on my old OS, I copied them over. Maybe it's because I have the most recent version of qBittorrent now? 



Any ideas or help would be great. I am at a loss as to why this is being this way, it was never this way before on my old install before. It is really frustrating me, because I used to be able to torrent and still surf the net before with eddie turned on. (and yes, connected to the same server I used before)

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disconnect from vpn


go to tcp ip properties of nic.  unchecked ip6.    reboot.  reconnect to Airvpn and see if it helps

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disconnect from vpn


go to tcp ip properties of nic.  unchecked ip6.    reboot.  reconnect to Airvpn and see if it helps


Tried that. That doesn't do anything.

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Ya, I can confirm that IP6 removal didn't do anything. I am getting slow surfing speeds only torrenting ONE file, and the file isn't downloading half as fast as it should either. 


My speeds were NEVER like this using Eddie and qBitorrent before I redid my PC. I really don't know what the problem is. 

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Ugh, I need help on this badly. I can't torrent like I used to be fore redoing my OS. Speeds are HORRIBLE. 

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have you increased buffer speeds to at least 256k?

 I don't know what you mean by that. I am torrenting with Eddie, not streaming video's. 

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In eddie settings; networking => TCP & UDP send / receive buffer size => change 256k.


Ohh man....you have saved the day. THANK YOU. That seem to have fixed it 


I am now downloading 10 torrents and can still surf and post here. 


Would bumping it up to 512 make it even better? What about the send one?

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