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Protonmail Bridge

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I have used ProtonMail for awhile now and love the security it brings! I was looking around on their blog and saw a story highlight ProtonMail Bridge. The app allows users to use ProtonMail with their favorite desktop application. Thoughts? I think it's pretty cool and might try it in a few days.



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isn't it exactly what Enigmail for Thunderbird and gpg has been doing since 2009 2001 (fixed by Staff :p ), and without binding you to a specific mail server, or am I missing something?


EDIT: no, it looks bad "The Bridge decrypts messages as they arrive in your computer and delivers them to your desktop email client. These local copies are stored on your computer, so the search features of your desktop client work normally and you can search within your encrypted emails." I would disable this option immediately (well, actually I wouldn't, because I use Enigmail or gpg directly) because if someone accesses my computer without my permission, he/she would not find sensitive e-mails in clear text, not even when the computer is on.

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