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Using Eddie-UI on Windows. ISP Bandwidth: 240/24 Mbps


I was testing the VPN today and I tried researching so many things, but all I get is poor performance (many servers from many countries with multiple protocols tested) when downloading torrents. Torrents go slow (200KBps or 1.6 Mbps) and if I download more than 3 at the same time they completely stop. I noticed poor connectivity between peers (it only connects to a few peers while there are thousands available), which I think it's the problem but I just don't know what's causing it.

I've already tried port forwarding (Foward ports on the website and match them with the torrent client). I tried TCP, UDP, SSH and SSL. All give the same problem.

On speedtest I get 150-170 Mbps download.


Am I doing anything wrong? Is there a specific configuration I should know? Confirm with me configurations I should've set including on my router, computer and on Eddie itself.



- When torrenting without the VPN, speeds go perfectly fine.

- The problem has nothing to do with the torrent itself, trackers or peers (due to note above).

- Not CPU Throttle, I've been monitoring the CPU usage.


Ask me more if you're willing to help.



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I have no idea how I didn't find this before: https://airvpn.org/faq/p2p/


The important points / What solved it:


- "Disable UPnP, NAT-PMP and any possible automatic port mapping feature..."

- Disable bandwidth managements like uTP on uTorrent and other BitTorrent based clients.


I did both modifications on uTorrent and qBittorrent. uTorrent kept giving the same issues, but, on the other hand, qBittorrent gave the perfect results I was looking for.

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