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Poor speeds over the last week with AirVPN

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Hey there!


I'm not sure what's up, but it seems multiple servers are returning a poor speed & excessive ping when using Air.  I've tried several Canadian servers (I'm in Canada) but it doesn't make a difference.  Any ideas?




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Something changed with your routing then.  Just equate it to road construction forcing you to take a detour.  The destination hasn't (can't) change, but the detour makes the trip take longer. 

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I like to second the poor speeds on almost all servers in Netherlands and Germany. Ping is great though.


Download speeds using p2p is good most of the time but browsing is awfully slow especially on sites protected by Cloudflare.

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Same poor speeds and I have wicked fast net service.

Norm get 3 to 4 MBs on average at times more dl now 'm getting on average no more than 1 MBs gets to 1 MB drops back down and hovers in the 900s and then under.


Says 4MB up and down regardless of server right?





Down: 13.193 Mbit/s Out, 1.866 Mbit/s In (14%), 10MB - Up: 8.284 Mbit/s Out, 3.237 Mbit/s In (39%), 20MB - Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 01:02:08 GMT - Buffers: 10MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 292.48 secs


So wondering min tunnel speed is suppose to be 4MB right?


my actual is 13 down and 10 up

my Tunnel is 1.8 down and 3.2 up


shouldnt i be getting at least 4 and 4 ? with my actual being 13 and 10?

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Same poor speeds and I have wicked fast net service.

Norm get 3 to 4 MBs on average at times more dl now 'm getting on average no more than 1 MBs gets to 1 MB drops back down and hovers in the 900s and then under.


Says 4MB up and down regardless of server right?


The 4Mbit/s is something Air can guarantee by making sure there's enough server resources available.  But, they can't control the internet.

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