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Cannot connect on iOS/iPhone

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I cannot connect through AirVPN/OpenVPN on my iPhone. It is an older phone (5c) but all software including OpenVPN app is updated. I originally thought it was related to the WiFi network at my place of work getting updated and blocking VPNs (it's the only public WiFi I regularly connect to), but as of today I can connect through Eddie client on my laptop (no SSL tunnel used), just still not on my phone. Below are logs, hopefully my spoiler tags work. Any help is appreciated. 


2017-02-13 10:22:39 ----- OpenVPN Start -----
OpenVPN core 3.0.11 ios armv7a thumb2 32-bit built on Apr 15 2016 14:13:50
2017-02-13 10:22:39 Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
2017-02-13 10:22:39 UNUSED OPTIONS
4 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
5 [nobind]
6 [persist-key]
7 [persist-tun]
11 [verb] [3]
12 [explicit-exit-notify] [5]

2017-02-13 10:22:39 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:22:39 NET Internet:ReachableViaWWAN/WR t------
2017-02-13 10:22:39 NET WiFi:NotReachable/WR t------
2017-02-13 10:22:41 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:22:41 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:22:41 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:22:41 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:22:42 EVENT: CONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:22:42 Tunnel Options:V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1558,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 1,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client
2017-02-13 10:22:42 Peer Info:
IV_GUI_VER=net.openvpn.connect.ios 1.0.7-199

2017-02-13 10:22:43 VERIFY OK: depth=1
cert. version    : 3
serial number    : 8C:D8:43:EF:E4:5F:20:03
issuer name      : C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org
subject name      : C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org
issued  on        : 2014-04-11 10:15:45
expires on        : 2024-04-08 10:15:45
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=true

2017-02-13 10:22:43 VERIFY OK: depth=0
cert. version    : 3
serial number    : D2
issuer name      : C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org
subject name      : C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org
issued  on        : 2015-12-02 12:57:32
expires on        : 2025-11-29 12:57:32
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=false
cert. type        : SSL Server
key usage        : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
ext key usage    : TLS Web Server Authentication

2017-02-13 10:22:49 SSL Handshake: TLSv1.2/TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384
2017-02-13 10:22:49 Session is ACTIVE
2017-02-13 10:22:49 EVENT: GET_CONFIG
2017-02-13 10:22:49 Sending PUSH_REQUEST to server...
2017-02-13 10:22:50 OPTIONS:
0 [redirect-gateway] [def1] [bypass-dhcp]
1 [dhcp-option] [DNS] []
2 [comp-lzo] [no]
3 [route-gateway] []
4 [topology] [subnet]
5 [ping] [10]
6 [ping-restart] [60]
7 [ifconfig] [] []

2017-02-13 10:22:50 PROTOCOL OPTIONS:
  cipher: AES-256-CBC
  digest: SHA1
  compress: LZO_STUB
  peer ID: -1
2017-02-13 10:22:50 EVENT: ASSIGN_IP
2017-02-13 10:22:50 Connected via tun
2017-02-13 10:22:50 EVENT: CONNECTED @america.vpn.airdns.org:443 ( via /UDPv4 on tun/
 10:22:50 LZO-ASYM init swap=0 asym=1
2017-02-13 10:22:50 Comp-stub init swap=0
2017-02-13 10:22:50 SetStatus Connected
2017-02-13 10:23:10 OS Event: NET AVAILABLE (RESUME): Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------ WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 10:23:11 NET Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------
2017-02-13 10:23:11 NET WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 10:23:13 RECONNECT TEST: Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------ WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 10:23:13 TUN reassert
2017-02-13 10:23:13 TUN reset routes
2017-02-13 10:23:13 EVENT: PAUSE
2017-02-13 10:23:14 RESUME TEST: Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------ WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 10:23:14 EVENT: RESUME
2017-02-13 10:23:14 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:23:14 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:23:14 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:23:14 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:23:14 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:23:24 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 10:23:24 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:23:24 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:23:24 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:23:24 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:23:24 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:23:24 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:23:34 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 10:23:34 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:23:34 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:23:34 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:23:34 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:23:34 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:23:34 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:23:44 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 10:23:44 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:23:44 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:23:44 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:23:44 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:23:44 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:23:44 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:23:54 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 10:23:54 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:23:54 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:23:54 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:23:54 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:23:54 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:23:54 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:24:04 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 10:24:04 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 10:24:04 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 10:24:04 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 10:24:04 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 10:24:04 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 10:24:04 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 10:24:14 EVENT: CONNECTION_TIMEOUT [ERR]
2017-02-13 10:24:14 EVENT: DISCONNECTED
2017-02-13 10:24:14 Raw stats on disconnect:
  BYTES_IN : 72756
  BYTES_OUT : 37323
  PACKETS_IN : 122
  TUN_BYTES_IN : 21364
  TUN_BYTES_OUT : 63024
  N_PAUSE : 1
2017-02-13 10:24:14 Performance stats on disconnect:
  CPU usage (microseconds): 2185530
  Tunnel compression ratio (uplink): 1.747
  Tunnel compression ratio (downlink): 1.15442
  Network bytes per CPU second: 50367
  Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 38612
2017-02-13 10:24:14 EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING
2017-02-13 10:24:14 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----
2017-02-13 12:21:31 ----- OpenVPN Start -----
OpenVPN core 3.0.11 ios armv7a thumb2 32-bit built on Apr 15 2016 14:13:50
2017-02-13 12:21:31 Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
2017-02-13 12:21:31 UNUSED OPTIONS
4 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
5 [nobind]
6 [persist-key]
7 [persist-tun]
11 [verb] [3]
12 [explicit-exit-notify] [5]

2017-02-13 12:21:31 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:21:31 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:21:31 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:21:31 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:21:31 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:21:32 NET Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------
2017-02-13 12:21:32 NET WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 12:21:33 EVENT: DISCONNECTED
2017-02-13 12:21:33 Raw stats on disconnect:
  BYTES_OUT : 84
2017-02-13 12:21:33 Performance stats on disconnect:
  CPU usage (microseconds): 36972
  Network bytes per CPU second: 2271
  Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 0
2017-02-13 12:21:33 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----
2017-02-13 12:21:36 ----- OpenVPN Start -----
OpenVPN core 3.0.11 ios armv7a thumb2 32-bit built on Apr 15 2016 14:13:50
2017-02-13 12:21:36 Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
2017-02-13 12:21:36 UNUSED OPTIONS
4 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
5 [nobind]
6 [persist-key]
7 [persist-tun]
11 [verb] [3]
12 [explicit-exit-notify] [5]

2017-02-13 12:21:36 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:21:36 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:21:36 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:21:36 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:21:36 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:21:37 NET WiFi:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t-----d
2017-02-13 12:21:37 NET Internet:ReachableViaWiFi/-R t------
2017-02-13 12:21:46 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 12:21:46 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 12:21:46 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:21:46 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:21:46 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:21:46 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:21:46 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:21:56 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 12:21:56 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 12:21:56 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:21:56 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:21:56 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:21:56 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:21:56 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:22:06 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 12:22:06 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 12:22:06 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:22:06 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:22:06 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:22:06 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:22:06 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:22:16 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 12:22:16 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 12:22:16 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:22:16 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:22:16 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:22:16 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:22:16 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:22:26 Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
2017-02-13 12:22:26 EVENT: RECONNECTING
2017-02-13 12:22:26 EVENT: RESOLVE
2017-02-13 12:22:26 Contacting via UDP
2017-02-13 12:22:26 EVENT: WAIT
2017-02-13 12:22:26 SetTunnelSocket returned 1
2017-02-13 12:22:26 Connecting to [america.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
2017-02-13 12:22:36 EVENT: CONNECTION_TIMEOUT [ERR]
2017-02-13 12:22:36 EVENT: DISCONNECTED
2017-02-13 12:22:39 Raw stats on disconnect:
  BYTES_OUT : 1260
2017-02-13 12:22:39 Performance stats on disconnect:
  CPU usage (microseconds): 69159
  Network bytes per CPU second: 18218
  Tunnel bytes per CPU second: 0
2017-02-13 12:22:39 EVENT: DISCONNECT_PENDING
2017-02-13 12:22:39 ----- OpenVPN Stop -----

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probably a DNS issue.  download new config files using advanced mode in the config generator, and clicking resolved hosts in .ovpn file.

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