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Help me decide....

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Newbie here (well kind of) used airvpn back in 2015 and now using it again but I am torn between liquidvpn and you guys both offer very similar speeds of aroud 40-55mbit which maxes out my connection.


However I am not that knowledgeable about what is different, both the eddie client and liquid vpn client can lock down any external connections outside of the firewall so they get dropped, airvpn has more servers though and their not based in the usa which liquidvpn is.


I have used both quite a fair bit over the past 12 to 18 months and would only like to keep one.


Has anyone here had experiences with liquid vpn and if so was it good or bad?

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Seems as  though you keep the same logs https://airvpn.org/topusers/



From https://www.liquidvpn.com/terms-of-service/



  • In the event that any server or cluster of servers are generating an abnormal amount of abuse reports we may temporarily disable or block the type of traffic in question (SMTP/NTP/DNS/P2P), shut down the server(s) in question and/or create Layer 7 filters to mitigate the problem.
  • If you have attempted to defraud LiquidVPN, we will share any transaction data we have related to the fraudulent transaction with the proper authorities.

If someone on our service is negatively impacting the performance of our network or our ability to deliver a premium service. We may temporarily mangle and shape traffic on our firewall and if needed in extreme cases re-enable metadata logging in order to stop the disruptive behavior.  The metadata collected would be limited to the following:-

  • Login/logout Timestamps
  • Remote IP
  • Username
  • Local IP


I will just put this here. Any person who knows how networks work understands the difference between inevitable data and specifically collected data.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Seems as  though you keep the same logs https://airvpn.org/topusers/

You did't read the note: "Data collected from current sessions in real-time, that we inevitably known. No history is kept, no data-retention is performed.

By default users nicknames are obscured, optionally the account holder can force them to be displayed."

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Durkasmurk-- My personal rule (and strong recommendation) is that you should never use a vpn or email service based in the U.S. Especially if you live in the U.S. And with recent passage of the snoopers' charter in the U.K., I would strongly advise not to use a vpn or email service based there also.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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Durkasmurk-- My personal rule (and strong recommendation) is that you should never use a vpn or email service based in the U.S. Especially if you live in the U.S. And with recent passage of the snoopers' charter in the U.K., I would strongly advise not to use a vpn or email service based there also.


I am based in the UK and the snoopers charter has been deemed illegal once again by the EU so hopefully the government here will give up with that.

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