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Delay to rule 41 amendment

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Reading the PIA URL makes any VPN user and security/privacy aware person see themselves as a potential target. One response would be to always enable GPS location on the mobile, and never use a VPN or proxy - kind of like the police won't think I am a drug dealer if I always leave the windows open with no curtains, and the doors unlocked when I go out, and never lock the car.


One thought without researching the debate is that this may dovetail with efforts to force US based suppliers of hardware and software, from Oracle databases to various apps in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, to Windows and Android and Apple operating systems, to include backdoors in ALL their products without concern about violating US laws or constitution.


Part of the reaction globally would be to avoid US products, many might feel that a Huawei phone with Chinese spyware was less of a worry than US spyware.

And suppliers such as Siemans (Germany) and Ericsson (Sweden) might reenter the mobile/device market as more trusted or less threatening.

And governments and commerce would want open source databases and Linux, partly due to the NSA mission including commercial advantage for the USA and its corporations.

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Please overlook that Alex Jones is in this video. Just pay attention to what William Binney says.



During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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A pointed reminder to the political left apologists-- This happened under Obama's watch. Do you really think Clinton would've done anything to change this had SHE won the election?

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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Not sure how relevant this article is to the thread, but here goes. I'm beginning to suspect surveillance t*rds in Amerika and England are in a..... "friendly".... competition as to who can erode privacy protections the fastest and most.



During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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