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Connected to VPN but Torrent won't work

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I use to have no problem connected to a vpn server and then opening up Qbitorrent to download a file but now the torrent file will not download and isn't getting connected to the torrent network. This happens to any file I try to download qbittorent. Any suggestions on what went wrong because this problem didn't come up until a few days ago. Everything else works except torrents.

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General suggestion: Search and do your best before you post. There are about hundreds of topics about the same issue.


torrent file will not download 

This is not something we can provide meaningful help for. There is a good chance AirVPN is not the only reason for it either.


Look up the port forwarding guide and the Getting Started thread.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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I have port forward I just don't understand why one day it was working and th next it doesn't when I haven't changed anything. Im running mac 10.11.6 so I haven't upgraded to sierra yet maybe that will help. and I have searched through the forums and there's so many different things it could be but the main ones was opening up the port.

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same with me  qbittorrent works fine, fast speeds.  Airvpn works fine.  Run the two together and airvpn crashes all over the place, authentication issues, disconnects, eddie looping, forcing pc restart.  A definite issue with the airvpn servers.  

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same with me  qbittorrent works fine, fast speeds.  Airvpn works fine.  Run the two together and airvpn crashes all over the place, authentication issues, disconnects, eddie looping, forcing pc restart.  A definite issue with the airvpn servers.  


No, sounds more like an issue with your max connections and their handling by your router/OS.

Servers transmit hundreds of mbit/s with many connections, it will take much more than your torrent client to challenge them

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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