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General questions before I sign up

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So I have done my research and found Air VPN to be one of the better rated VPN services going around. I am however a complete VPN noob and have a few questions before I dive in.


I live in Australia, how can I pay for Air VPN anonymously? I don't want to setup Bitcoin has it is far too much off a hassle. I read briefly that pre paid visa cards are accept? If this is so, don't you still need to provide your personal details, i.e name and address to purchase, and this info would then be linked to the pre paid card? Or not?


What does Air VPN do to stop 'DNS leaks' and the such? I have seen something about 'Eddie', but what is this? Does Air have a 'kill switch'? 


I apologies for these somewhat silly questions, just hoping to get some clarity.






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it's difficult to get a pre-paid visa that's anonymous.  obviously pay with cash, but some still require personal information to activate.


Eddie is AirVPN's openvpn GUI that's quite powerful.  If setup properly it will prevent DNS leaks and has a kill switch.

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