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Eddie CLI Overwriting AirVPN.xml

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I'm trying to store some options in the /root/.airvpn/AirVPN.xml file (Raspbian) but each time i run the cli (sudo airvpn -cli) the xml is recreated. How can I override the default options? 


For example I'd like to store my credentials so I don't have to type them out each time. 


Also, how can I set the client to autostart and connect on boot?

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You can specify also the login and password as command-line parameters. It's explained in the docs.

It's strange that xml is recreated every time. What version you have? Any error about permission in the log?

About autostart, search about running a linux command with nohup or & background, but depends if you run the UI or not.

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You can specify also the login and password as command-line parameters. It's explained in the docs.

It's strange that xml is recreated every time. What version you have? Any error about permission in the log?

About autostart, search about running a linux command with nohup or & background, but depends if you run the UI or not.


Hi Clodo and thank you for your reply. Ok so I am hopelessly confused and frustrated with the client at the moment and there is not much info available to help me figure it out.


Firstly, I'm aware that I can pass the user an password as params but I don't want to have to keep looking up my password which is why I want to store it in the xml.

Second, I've looked and googled but I can't find any airvpn logs... Where are they located?

Wrt autostart, I had a look at nohup but I don't know how that applies? A little stuck on that one! I think I will start a separate thread for that question.


Also I am unable to load the airvpn gui as it keeps crashing... The gui appears briefly a bit scrambled and then disappears. terminal output here: http://pastebin.com/F8cihTw5

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