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Eddie GUI disappeared, but VPN still running (Linux)

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OS: Linux Mint 17.1


Running the AirVPN Client 2.8.8.  I keep it running 24/7.  I unlocked my system and the AirVPN GUI was no longer available.  Using ps -ef, the AIrVPN process was still running, so I assume the VPN was still up.  Tried to launch another AirVPN session using Eddie.  Upon a connection attempt, the client informed me that another session was already running.  So there was no way of getting back the GUI of my session.


I sudo killed the process and restarted the GUI.  All is well now.


Reporting this as a possible bug and wondering if anyone else has experienced this.





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I experienced the very thing this morning. I leave Eddie running 24/7 and woke to find the GUI missing. Whoer.net showed I was still connected and the openvpn process was still running. A new instance of Eddie refused to connect for this reason, and pkill wouldn't work even as root. I ended up rebooting and all was well again. If Staff have any requests to help troubleshoot (logs etc?) let me know. Thanks.


Edited to add: Also on Mint 17.1 x64 Cinnamon with Eddie 2.8.8 in this instance, just to be clear.

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Thanks for confirming that it's not just me.


For me, a sudo kill <process id> killed the connection.  But it took about 5-10 seconds for it to go away.

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I used to see the disappearing GUI act happen every few days or more on one of my systems while another running same version of Mint (different H/W though) was almost immune to the issue.


Thanks to some package updates over the last couple of months the issue has been basically fixed. I think the more "fragile" of the systems lost the AirVPN GUI just once in recent weeks.


The quickest fix was to kill "mono" just in case (since I have nothing else riding on it) followed by "openvpn" (couple of times so it's really gone) from terminal and then just restarting Eddie. Obviously it's good to wind down all current network traffic while killing and restarting connection.

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I'm on the latest version of Mint Cinnamon and having this issue.


I made a change to something that required a logout, and being a novice I just logged out then back in, thinking it would restore my session (it really didn't, browser session had to be restored, steam was no longer open, etc)


Eddie GUI is gone but it tells me still running when I start it up.  verified my IP was still the VPN IP etc.

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Hi all, Yup occasionally seeing the same thing here on Archlinux, I can't consistently reproduce this but it mostly happens when Gnome shell is restarted.

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On Mint 17 and 17.1 this used to happen to me also. 

When I changed to Eddie portable it stopped happening.


I'm using Mint 17.2 now but I'm not up to date with how the latest Eddies are working as I haven't tried them properly yet (I am still using an older portable Eddie).

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If the exit is not done properly I have seen this a few times.  Of course a broken connection would qualify for that.


a  -------- > "sudo killall openvpn" always works on my end.  With openvpn still running the Eddie client cannot start properly.  Shutting it down allows all to work perfectly again.  Easy stuff.


This is really rare for me now that I pay more attention to shutting the client down properly.  I almost never lose a connection, and in fact its been many weeks since I lost any connection to vpn1 on my setup.

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I'm on Arch Linux and started experiencing Eddie crashes a while ago, Openvpn staying up but the GUI disappearing. At least one of the triggers was pressing Super key while Eddie was focused.


What fixed it for me was building it from source instead of using the prebuilt binaries.

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