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Air should add GPG support for Contact Us page

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I think Air should add GPG support for the Contact Us page ( regardless of whether one has registered and logged in as a client or is accessing as guest). Users could upload their GPG public key so Air's responses sent via e-mail to the user would be encrypted. This would really improve security, particularly for users who have an insecure mail host.


Best regards,



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Has this been implemented yet? If not, does anyone have an idea when it will be offered?


I have a couple additional ideas in the same category.


1. Enable users to paste their GPG/OpenPGP (or similar) key somewhere in the client area along with their e-mail address.

This way, messages from Air (either automatically-generated messages or support/sales messages) can be automatically encrypted using a script (this would need to be coded).

2. Air should also use a GPG/OpenPGP (or similar) public key accessible on the site for correspondence from users and future customers.


Just my 2c.



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