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Since Update, Asus RTN16 (DD-WRT) crashes reverts to default settings.

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Previously perfectly working Asus RT-N16 cannot seem to hold the new certificates and the new static key. Each time I make the change the router now always reverts back to default settings after I save, apply and reboot the router (as if I just installed dd-wrt for the first time and have not set up it). I am never able to see the log because of this. Each time I restore from a backup and with the old settings in place the only thing I notice is that NVRAM usage is 28.86 KB / 32 KB which seems high. I have spent hours trying to get things working again. I had LZO Compression disabled. I tried UDP and TCP settings and many many other settings all with the same result.
Is there a known issue with this router and the new settings? Any ideas what I might try to get things working? Thank you!!!!

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I've been struggling with the exact same problem for the last week or so on my Asus N16.  I'm now attempting to switch to tomato v 1.28.  I tried multiple versions of DD-WRT with no success so I assume the new settings are incompatible.

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Thanks for the info. You probably saved me some time. I was going to try other dd-wrt versions. I'll be interested in the tomato results if you post it.

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I have the N16 router and had been using toastman tomato with great success for a while. After the heartbleed exploit I switched to shibby version of tomato because he patched it. However I see toastman is about to release a new firmware with the exploit also patched so I will be switching back to that.


Anyway if you want to switch to tomato the instructions staff put on this site for tomato on router will work for EITHER shibby or toastman tomato. I also have the Asus N16 and confirm it works well with air vpn.


Go Here: http://tomatousb.org/mods


Follow the links for either toastman or shibby tomato. Just make sure you grab a K26 MIPSR2 VPN build for either one.

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Previously perfectly working Asus RT-N16 cannot seem to hold the new certificates and the new static key.

It does work just fine with the new generated certs and static key(s)

Each time I make the change the router now always reverts back to default settings after I save, apply and reboot the router (as if I just installed dd-wrt for the first time and have not set up it).

dd-wrt never worked on my Asus rt-n16.

I am never able to see the log because of this. Each time I restore from a backup and with the old settings in place the only thing I notice is that NVRAM usage is 28.86 KB / 32 KB which seems high. I have spent hours trying to get things working again.

switch to tomato-1.28.xx-117-VPN recomended NDUSB/AIO/BIG. 

I had LZO Compression disabled.

set LZO compression to Adaptive.

I tried UDP and TCP settings and many many other settings all with the same result.
Is there a known issue with this router and the new settings?

not with the new settings. After the vpn client/firewall settings are in place and Reboot performed/or power drops to whole network/apartment/premises; it does happen and then "certificate is not yet valid" error will appear VPN  Client1/Client2 will not work anymore.It is basically a date reset back in time.

Details->https://airvpn.org/topic/6652-airvpn-tomato-configuration-step-by-step-guide/page-3(after the upgrade)

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Any fix yet. I'm experiencing the same problem. Nvram at 31.75/32.

Able to get nvram to 31.14 then slowly increases. Once power goes out everything resets and settings reset.

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I don't know if this will helps, but this solved my problems with the update and Asus router: https://airvpn.org/topic/11347-asus-n66u-router-wont-connect-with-new-air-update/


You also might try the Asuswrt_Merlin build (similar to Tomato). It works beautifully.






I hope you find your solution.


Best regards,


<my rant>Privacy is a right and expectation that the citizens of the world once enjoyed, but took for granted, and have lost. Today we are made to believe that we only need privacy if we are doing something wrong. I do not believe this lie. Today we are told by our governments that we can have no expectations of privacy, for our own "safety" and for "the greater good" of society. Personally, I don't need a big brother to protect me, and I will NEVER choose to surrender my rights and my liberties for so-called safety and security from a boogie man. I will continue to use services, such as AirVpn, in order to exercise my right and expectation of privacy. Would that the sheep would learn.</end rant>


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