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Using Airvpn on public wifi

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I just had a question about how to using your service on public wifi without it being blocked. I am wanting to use Pandora on my phone with wifi when I'm out but it seems like the wifi at my school and other places I have tried block the connection to the servers. What would be the best way around this so I can use your service on my phone while connected to public wifi?


Any help would be appreciated,



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Thanks for the response,


I have tried all the ports on both TCP and UDP and I only get "bytes in" on UDP 443 and 80, it seemed as if TCP is completely blocked when I tried but I will try again and report back. But if that is the case how should I proceed? I know stunnel has an android version but I'm not familiar with how to set that up or even how to turn it off or on when using Android.



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Sorry for the long hiatus.


I tested more and so far have been able to connect to all of the wifi networks I tried on either UDP or TCP depending on the network. But I still haven't been able to connect to my schools wifi as they block tcp traffic and openvpn packets after receiving a certain amount. Due to this I have been using LTE at school but if someone has a solution I can use on Android that would be great!

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So I was doing some thinking regarding not being able to connect to the VPN while on my school wifi and I was thinking if it was a possibility if it's due to me not using the schools dns. It might be possible that they are blocking openvpn but wouldn't they only find out by packet inspection? I highly doubt that's the case as I don't believe they would waste resources on that. So maybe they are blocking me from logging in with the VPN because I'm not switching to the schools dns. Say this is the case does anyone know a solution to this?

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In my local public schools system, after years of tinkering/cracking, I have learned the port and DNS settings (among a ton of other details). The only important info for AirVPN to work at a school is with the school's proxy settings. Opening the preferences of the AirVPN application will give you those options. When using a proxy make sure you select a TCP type port. Also if that doesn't work get the OpenVPN client and use the config generator and add that file. You can use port 2018 if you think it's a port problem

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In my local public schools system, after years of tinkering/cracking, I have learned the port and DNS settings (among a ton of other details). The only important info for AirVPN to work at a school is with the school's proxy settings. Opening the preferences of the AirVPN application will give you those options. When using a proxy make sure you select a TCP type port. Also if that doesn't work get the OpenVPN client and use the config generator and add that file. You can use port 2018 if you think it's a port problem

Thanks for the response,


Right now because I am using my phone at school I am using Openvpn connect so I don't know what you mean by adding the files unless your meaning a tcp port 2018 file. I tested more and it seems like all Tcp is blocked. When I look at openvpn connect it shows bytes out but nothing ever comes back as bytes in on tcp regardless of the port chosen. But when I select udp on like port 80 or 443 I do get bytes out and in but the in usually maxes around 48-108kb before stopping completely. So that's why I'm wondering if it's a dns thing as fully connecting would change your dns settings. And at one time I managed to get it connected on the wifi while on the login screen but after connecting it wouldn't let me log in (have to log in to access Internet) as nothing would happen when I hit login so I'm thinking it only allows traffic with its dns settings.

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I just had a question about how to using your service on public wifi without it being blocked. I am wanting to use Pandora on my phone with wifi when I'm out but it seems like the wifi at my school and other places I have tried block the connection to the servers. What would be the best way around this so I can use your service on my phone while connected to public wifi?


Any help would be appreciated,



I know this is an old post but here is my input about public wifi. My connection would restart everytime trying to connect to the server. I had to manually flush my dns if I am traveling. Yes, airvpn has an automatic dns flush but didn't work for me.


Go to command prompt, type "ipconfig /flushdns" space after ipconfig, enter.

Should be all good to restart air vpn.


Hopefully this helps on of you readers.

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I have best success with public wifi using OpenVPN Connect (the closed source version) with the Android configuration. I tried OpenVPN for Android (open source) using the Linux configuration, but had multi persistent disconnects without reconnects. OpenVPN Connect does disconnect when the phone is in doze, but reconnects instantly at wake-up.


As a side note, I'm on a rooted Android using Tasker to auto connect OpenVPN Connect when a specific SSID is detected/connected. Works great.

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I have best success with public wifi using OpenVPN Connect (the closed source version) with the Android configuration. I tried OpenVPN for Android (open source) using the Linux configuration, but had multi persistent disconnects without reconnects. OpenVPN Connect does disconnect when the phone is in doze, but reconnects instantly at wake-up.


As a side note, I'm on a rooted Android using Tasker to auto connect OpenVPN Connect when a specific SSID is detected/connected. Works great.



I remember staying in a Hotel where wifi was free but in order to use a VPN i had to pay for the "premium wifi" for 20$ a day, back then i was using a different VPN provider and i couldn't connect.

I was wondering if i'm the same situation again, which protocol would work without having to pay for the ridiculous premium wifi...

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UDP 443. Sorry, I don't have info about hotel services. My experience is where I work and around town in restaurants and pubs.

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I use a public wifi most days on iPhone and iPad. Using a custom config TCP Port 443. OpenVPN client. I also create a new config every couple of weeks to change location (keep in the same continent). I haven't found any public wifi that doesn't work with my config. Even trains and buses.

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