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PFSense firewall rules

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​Hi everyone


​I have installed ESXI 6.0 on my home server and I am trying to access each host console, but when I open ssh tunnel to port 443, 902 and 903 with putty I still don't have control over the host's console.

is there any special rules that I have to add on my pfsense firewall to access the console on each host.


​Thank you


​with ubuntu terminal I get message : Privileged can only be forwarded by root

​I just add SUDO at the front so I can get root then message : Permission denied (publickey).

​Do I have to install ssh key pair for root and add public key to my access server?


​I just generated a keys for root and logged in as root opened a ssh tunnel as root to ports 443,902 and 903



I can't login I've got this message "[object, Object] "


​Is anyone know how to fix that?



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