Hi i'm facing crazy censorship from your airvpn server.... a lot of website are intercepted (man in the middle attack)... fake captcha... if i dont use a vpn , the webpages are not coming at all.......... it is faster with a vpn but still censored or intercepted....... even with your airvpn + another vpn (pro version) not free ===>same problem and with tor ===> it is slower but the pages are loading........eternally....... you have no idea how many crazy errors ssl interference.... i can get on mega.NZ google drive ads injection , xss injection , fake captcha, http proxy inside my webrowser, proxy in my apps, java errors, crazy logs errors with my chrome book (unknown files loading during the boot sequence) i don't think it comes from airvpn..... but i have to be sure because lte wifi ethernet vpn or double vpn it is the same problem