I've been having trouble with high numbers of uncorrectables showing up on the status page of my cable modem for months now (I've attached a current screenshot showing uncorrectables mostly received over the last 6 days): https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r31444789-NV-Ongoing-Uncorrectables-T3s-T4s-Reboots-in-Las-Vegas-un-FIXED Recently, a Cox (my ISP) employee asked if the uncorrectables went away if I stopped using my VPN. I can't see how VPN use could lead to uncorrectables at the cable modem level (the traffic is encrypted before hitting the cable modem and it just encapsulates the packets regardless of content -- ditto in reverse on the way back). Is there any way VPN use could lead to uncorrectables? Could there be a server issue (Merope)?