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  1. Hello, I just heard of a news story that said the UK government is mandating all ISPs keep records of peoples browsing habits for a year - all webpage they have gone to. This will also be shared with other governments. No warrant required, your info sits in a database for whenever they need it. The European courts said it was illegal, the UK cited security concerns. Oh and that have been doing it all along - but now being transparent about it. Question: What does that mean for VPNs? Are they subject to these laws? What about VPNs outside the UK? Thoughts, comments? Thanks, Mr. V
  2. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if you have heard that Verizon (VZW) has been, for the past two years, inserting a perma-cookie into HTTP traffic headers via means of a UIDH. The UIDH ignores: private browsing, do not track, even Verizon's own opt-outs. I have assembled some links below to provide you some more information regarding this issue. AFAIK, AirVPN users are safe from VZW tracking. You are also safe on sites that use HTTPS. According to some comments in the various articles (links to articles below), it appears at least AT&T is doing the same thing as VZW. Reddit: /r/Privacy Verizon & ATT injecting UIDH Verizon adding UIDs: Hacker News Wired: Verizon's Perma Cookie kills privacy DSLreports: Verizon Perma Cookie WebPolicy: Verizon Tracking Header LessonsLearned: Test for Cellular tracking Beacons (must be on cellular network) This issue highlights the need for net neutrality and encryption! anonym
  3. Hello! AIRVPN Admins/Staff, How is the news of NSA dragnet being received in Italy? What is the mood of the public? I see some European officials making cautious statements, usually expressing dismay that the U.S. is collecting so much data and violating the Safe Harbor agreement. In the Guardian, there is a nice sampling of comments from European leadership : World leaders seek answers on US collection of communication data I am curious to hear your opinions as to what these revelations may lead to in Italy and Europe. I hope to see the American security state rebuffed overseas, I just don't know if the will is there. Also, will the U.S. Internet giants like Google and Microsoft, Facebook, pay any price for their complicity? Are people there talking about alternatives to these corrupt companies? I connect from the U.S. and there is little hope starting to be some push back regarding this "turnkey tyranny", as Mr. Snowdon called it, can be stopped perhaps it will be stopped here where it originates. I am somewhat encouraged by the remarks I am reading from Euro leaders, but it is hard for me to tell if they are just making the noises they think the public wants to hear, or are going to do something about this situation. Thanks.
  4. I have been having this problem with Google, It ALWAYS knows my location. Even under the most strict conditions I cannot seem to hide from them. Here are my current settings: VPN enabled OpenDNS configured Cookies and cache cleared Location awareness disabled in firefox and osx Wired ethernet connection, Wifi disabled Flash disabled Javascript disabled Cookies disabled Java disabled Furthermore, if I use Tor Browser but disable Tor using Torbutton Google knows my location. I have tested for DNS leaks and find none. I find this incredibly invasive and want to block them but cannot seem to find a way. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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