Hello, I have acutally only in Germany, where I live and in the Nertherlands, a good download speed. Does it correlate so much with the distance to the server? I thought it has only an effect on the ping, but not so much on my download speed. I would like to use the server in Switzerland, but they drop my speed consideably. I made a test, where i download simultaneously from different hosters with jDownloader (speedtest.net shows me everytime a slightly lower value than the real download speed): Without VPN-Connection: Downloadspeed: Ø 15.5 Mbps Netherland (Alphirik) [26ms Latency & 20% Load]: Downloadspeed: Ø 14 Mbps Germany (Cervantes) [38 ms Latency & 19% Load]: Downloadspeed: Ø 15 Mbps Switzerland (Virginis) [40 ms Latency & 21% Load]: Downloadspeed: Ø 10 Mbps Sweden (Muphrid) [43ms Latency & 9% Load]: Downloadspeed: Ø 3 Mbps Canada (Alwaid) [114 ms Latency & 11% Load]: Downloadspeed: Ø 5 Mbps Do you have the same problem, too? Because I thought that I will get with my 16Mbps-Connection nearly fullspeed in Switzerland. PS: I also changed the buffer size to 256 KB, installed the old Tab-driver and tried other protocols