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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I'm using a Asus rt-n66u router for a while with OpenVPN on port 433. Since speeds are not good, I played with settings / multiple configs to get better speeds but so far those efforts failed. I have a Ziggo ISP account that allows a max speed of 150 Mbps down. On my laptop (Wifi) without vpn I get speeds around 50 to 65 Mbps. When I use AirVPN via the Asus rt-n66u router, I get speeds around < 10 Mbps down and equal up. I've used the https://airvpn.org/asuswrt/ howto page, so uploading the .ovpn file into the router. Currently I run latest Merlin 380.65 firmware. I also used lower versions of Merlins firmware, which did not cause change in behaviour. I've puzzled a lot to get the config on higher speeds but it does not matter if I use UDP or TCP and / or change ports. Tried them all. I used the AirVPN generator set to router, country set to Netherlands and as described using either UDP or TCP trying multiple ports. I can understand that vpn causes overhead in traffic but dropping down to 10 Mbps is a bit too much. What can I do to speed things up?
  2. I have followed the setup guide here: https://airvpn.org/asuswrt/ - although I chose servers by country and not indiviually when using the OpenVPN Configuration Generator. As soon as I click activate on my router I have no internet connection. I rebooted the router and temporarily had a connection which disconnected immediately. Could this be my ISP blocking OpenVPN? I did check PPTP through my ISP was OK using PortQryUI but don't know how to and if I should for OpenVPN. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I have successfully followed the AirVPN instructions on setting up the Asus RT-N66U's (Merlin firmware) openvpn client. My concern now is protecting privacy in the event the VPN drops & traffic continues through the ISP. I would like to route all client traffic through the VPN & in the event it drops, no access to the internet is available to the clients. Does anyone know of a solution for this ? A workable solution exists for the for DD-WRT routers & I'm guessing similar one can be done for the RT-N66U as it runs a variant of DD-WRT (AsusWRT). I'm not technical enough to implement it so would appreciate any help. https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=4287&Itemid=142#4287
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