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  1. Every week or so I am finding my connection really slow. After troubleshooting, I find that changing the DNS server fixes the problem. Because I have the VPN configured on my ASUS Merlin router the DNS settings are manual. I select a DNS server from the OpenNIC project, but I would like to avoid having to manually change every couple of weeks. Do the DNS servers periodically experience issues? Is there a way to find a stable DNS server? Could my issue be related to something else?
  2. Truth is, when configuring airvpn manually, you need DNS to resolve the IP of a server behind one of the Airvpn clusters (europe.vpn.airvn.org for example). Airdns does not have a DNS server accessible outside the tunnel as it strongly suggests/supports OpenNIC. OpenNIC is the go-to for AirVPN. But, I have a grudge against OpenNIC. You select any OpenNIC DNS server in Europe for example, and the DNS ends up someplace else, the USA for example. Granted, DNS allegedly only sees the AirVPN IP as soon as the connection is up. But still ... Blinds me why sometimes an OpenNIC from a nice internet country ends up in an ugly internet country. It yanks me every time, and I did try a lot of OpenNIC servers, sooner or later they end up in land I don't want them to end up in. Then there is OpenDNS, but I'm not too keen on a few aspects, call them personal preferences. Then there is Google DNS, and the newly raved about cloudflare DNS. Yuk! Yes I know, they only "see" AirVPN IP's as long as the tunnel etc. are running. But since it is used to establish the tunnel, Google knows my IP searched for an AirVPN server and then nothing after that ... So Google knows I use AirVPN, and I hate that. Same with Cloudflare, or other internet evils offering reliable DNS as a source of business intel gathering. Then there are a few of the other good VPN providers who have publicly accessible DNS servers. Kind of defeats using one VPN to use the DNS of another VPN. It somehow doesn't feel right to do that. Which DNS service is of OpenNIC philosophy, is reliable to resolve AirVPN, and never ends up in an ugly internet country telling that ugly country I use AirVPN?
  3. Hi, I understand that AirVPN is using OpenNIC as its DNS, however, I can not access some OpenNIC TLDs, for example: http://www.opennic.chan http://be.libre http://register.neo http://opennic.oz http://reg.dyn http://register.gopher What works: http://www.nic.fur (FurNIC which OpenNIC peers with) http://opennic.glue http://register.bbs http://opennic.free -- .free being phased out; it's new version is .libre which is not accessible from AirVPN http://opennic.geek http://www.parody http://reg.oss * If I shutdown AirVPN, I can access all the TLDs including those that OpenNIC peers with. * I have to add OpenNIC's tier 2 DNS in Eddie > DNS setting to access all OpenNIC TLD (and peers) via AirVPN Is this a bug?
  4. at http://reg.for.free you can set up your own free domain which anyone can surf to who uses a proper nameserver (dns) such as those listed here: https://www.opennicproject.org AirVPN has those DNS built-in right from the start. It usually easy to setup an openNIC nameserver in nm-applet in Linux via GUI (just add the address ).
  5. re-edit: AirVPN ALREADY does support openNIC top level domains such as .bit .fur .free .pirate asf. ! Would it not be cool to support domains out of ICANN ? http://wiki.opennicproject.org/OpenNICNamespaces Anyone can register their webservers free of charge! If Air supported that right out of the box, it would be some nice added value! Or does it introduce new problems?
  6. Hi, I'm curious as to why AirVPN DNS servers do not support OpenNIC TLDs, and only seem to recognize ICANN domains even though AirVPN said they no longer recognize ICANN's authority. Any details would be appreciated. Thanks!
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