Hi, I use pfsense to connect to VPN providers. I got a Multi Gateway Setup (One Lan - 6 WAN). 5 Of these 5 WAN adapters are VPN connections to a different VPN Provider and I use rules on the Firewall to route traffic to these Connections. They use the typical 10.x.0.1 Gateway, with a Subnet Mask. This all works as expected. Now I created another VPN Connection with AirVPN to this setup. I'm connected and this seems to be no Problem. I also get a 10.x.0.1 Gateways but with a subnet mask of So If I want to route traffic trough the AirVPN client, it's a ) slow and b ) does not work as expected. ( I guess that A is because of B ) If I check my IP using one of the normal websites and refresh the website, I see that it rotates between all !!! VPN Connections. This is strange. I checked my setup multiple times and don't see a reason why this happens. (I'm not using routing groups here) Again, this only happens if I use the AirVPN Gateway for this traffic. If I use one of my other VPN Gateways, I permanently use this VPN connection. ANY idea ?