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XMPP / Jabber




Found 5 results

  1. So, a few days ago I had a chat with an AirVPN member on XMPP and he/she remarked that it was not possible to reach other XMPP servers. It was tried to show the XMPP rooms at conference.riseup.net for example. It left us wondering whether AirVPN's XMPP server is indeed federated. I understand that Riseup might simply not send out the room list, given their ideology. So to rule this out I opened a XMPP server directory and cherry-picked some servers like jabber.at and jabber.de. Checking their status first, none of them showed me a room list. As everyone who has a Riseup account also has access to the Riseup XMPP server I tried to contact my Riseup account, following their "guide". The result is "remote server not found". This might indicate the server is not federated or there is a problem with federation, but at least that a connection issue to other servers persists. Did someone test this out as well? Were you successful? And is it possible to get a definite answer on the federation thing? Tests were done using Psi, the member used Pidgin.
  2. The next thing after own cloud is probably Next cloud.One of the features is spreed.me .Its a video chat client based on webrtc. Has anyone experience with spreed.me ? I am already aware of of the privacy problem (shows your real ip) Casper
  3. "A/I was born in 2001 from an encounter of individuals and collectives of the autonomous anticapitalist movement who were interested in technology and active in the fight for digital rights. We believe that this world is far from being the best world possible. We respond to this by providing activists, groups and collectives with platforms for a freer communication and digital tools for privacy self-defence." Autistici/Inventati is an Italian collective similar to Riseup.net in the United States. They provide secure communications tools for activists. Collective members work on a volunteer basis only. All donations are used for infastructure costs. It would be a great service for AirVPN to fund especially since it is local. http://www.autistici.org/en/donate.html
  4. Hello, i just opened now a IRC Channel #AirVPN on the irc network irc.freenode.org this channel can be usefull for new users to get in touch with AirVPN services and just to talk about Anonimyzers in general. if any administrator of AirVPN want to come, i will be glad to offer them the Operator status. i hope that you will like it & have a nice day.
  5. [16:27] -tampa.fl.us.undernet.org- *** Looking up your hostname - [16:27] -tampa.fl.us.undernet.org- *** Checking Ident - [16:27] -tampa.fl.us.undernet.org- *** No ident response - [16:27] -tampa.fl.us.undernet.org- *** Couldn't look up your hostname - [16:27] AUTO [1] DNSBL listed. TORs are forbidden on this network. Your IP is
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