Greets! For a year now I've been able to access the site without incident. Recently, I was accessing the site and came across a generic error 'Access To Website Blocked' (can provide pic) which concerned me. The first thing I did was disable AirVPN on my DD-WRT Router (Kong R7000 Build) and again I was able to access it. I then emailed IndieGogo support. In my discussions with Indiegogo support, I let them know that my access was being blocked while on my VPN. I asked them to confirm this policy change since, again for the prior year; I've had zero issues. They took some time and informed me that it was NOT their side and that it was the VPN side. I need to dispute this as I feel it is NOT AirVPN that is doing the blocking but them. Here is a direct link to the status page of all the VPN hosts to the site which ALL show 'Good'. How can I find out what/who is blocking me so I can reply to support again showing them it's not my setup nor AirVPN? Thanks!