Hi there. After some research i spend a lot of money and bought an asus ac87u especially for using the vpn client. regarding to some tests elsewhere and posts here in the forum the router has enough power to do the en/decryption. I'm on a 50 MBit line and i have this speed without vpn. After connecting to airvpn the speeds drops to something around 10-20 MBit/s. This is when i connect to nl.vpn.airdns.org. Every other server in countrys around me (single servers or other country entry urls) gave me less than that. The server near my location are slower than the nl servers. I tried different protocols,ports and the real ips of the server to get dns out of the equation, to no avail) While downloading or during a speedtest the cpu never goes about 50% usage. To me it looks like the only thing that can be the reason for the slow speed must be the airvpn servers. Does anyone have some advice what i can do to get more bandwidth from the vpn? Thanks in advance. Justin