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  1. Hello, I need help for my VPN setup. I already have very good skills in using Windows Operating Systems, but i am a new in linux, started using it 1 month ago. My Main Operating System is Linux Mint 18.1. Virtualbox is installed with Whonix Gateway and Whonix Workstation. I was able to run AirVPN Service with Eddie Client on any servers without problems. But for some reason, i can't connect to VPN with OpenVPN Client over Linux Terminal. First i tried port forwarding on my router and then it worked. But i don't want to open router ports for security reasons. Maybe i should forward the needed ports directly over eddie client. Following protocol settings were used: AirVPN_Netherlands_SSH-80 (VPN over SSH, all Netherlands Servers, Port 80) I know all connections are established over remote 1412 in openvpn.config. Another port i figured out in AirVPN_Netherlands_SSH-80.sh file is Port 2018. I think the best way to open it would be over Linux Mint directly, but i dont know how to do it. But running VPN in Linux Mint is not as important as running VPN in Whonix-Gateway. That was the first part. The second part are the same connection issues when trying to setup AirVPN over the Whonix Gateway OpenVPN client. The VPN should run before entering Tor Network. I always got the Error: Connection Refused. Maybe the problem is the same, and i have to open ports there, too. But i could not figure out, how to open ports in whonix firewall. The setup is very complex at all. I would like to know, if anyone was able to do this setup correctly. I used the how to from Whonix Wiki Page: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tunnels/Connecting_to_a_VPN_before_Tor#Inside_Whonix-Gateway Maybe my openvpn.config file is wrong. I even don't know if i really need this file, becaue the .ovpn contains almost the same command lines. I think i should add the config of the most important files, to check out wrong details: sudo nano /etc/whonix_firewall.d/50_user.conf ## Make sure Tor always connects through the VPN.## Enable: 1## Disable: 0## DISABELD BY DEFAULT, because it requires a VPN provider.VPN_FIREWALL=1## For OpenVPN.#VPN_INTERFACE=tun0## Destinations you don not want routed through the VPN.## VirtualBox DHCP# LOCAL_NET="\# \# \# \# \# \# " sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/tunnel_unpriv tunnel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/iptunnel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn *Defaults:tunnel !requirettyThat are mostly Whonix specific settings, but then things started to get complicated, because the Tutorial Example VPN was Riseup VPN. I don't know if auth.txt is working exactly the same Way for AirVPN. I added username and password for AirVPN instead of Riseup... sudo nano /etc/openvpn/auth.txt riseupusernamevpnsecretHere is the openvpn.conf file that I have written... I think the main problem is the connection to remote server 1412. It is a little bit confusing, that all servers of netherlands -or even if i had used global server list for SSH VPN Port 80- using the same remote server. Alternatively, i could add all IP's manually, right? Then my file should look like this: Depending to this .conf file, I have to open port 3599. I would like to know, where i had failed configuration and how to open ports in Whonix Firewall / AirVPN Client Area. Best regards
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