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Found 11 results

  1. Hello, I good some Questions where i coudlnt find a Answer [Or at least some Answers that are some years old] 1. Does AirVPN supports Multi-HOP ? But with Custom Rules and not pre configured Routes | If not, is there a Reason to not add this Feature ? I mean it add a layer to Security and Privacy 2. How are the Server secured against Third-Parties ? [Hoster, Police, Goverment] 3. Are they any Logs ? Like MAC-Adress, Timestep, Last-Login or something else ? 4. Are there any Third-Audits or maybe Server seized that could proof any of your No-Logs etc ? Thanks Best regards
  2. I am just wondering how affected are users of AirVPN who might live in India, because of this news development? i myself do not live in India but might similar countries adopt measures or laws like this one? India tells VPN / Cloud / Crypto companies to collect user data for 5 years or face IMPRISONMENT https://www.techspot.com/news/94441-india-tells-vpn-cloud-crypto-companies-collect-user.html i am asking because i want to know what a user of ANY VPN service would do if this kind of TYRANNY ever came to their country -- could they be detected as a "VPN user"? how dangerous is this law? I know that companies like Mullvad are now LOG-LESS AND DISKLESS -- meaning that their VPN service software CANNOT even collect any logs. How does AirVPN compare to Mullvad when it comes to being LOG-LESS? I know AirVPN is LOGLESS but are their servers also DISKLESS ??? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, I am running the portable command line version on a ubuntu server. How can I see the logs? Can I specify the save location? greetings
  4. Most of the problems I posted here have been mainly solved as I updated the software to a newer version and looked further into its workings. If a moderator or admin wishes, they may delete this somewhat useless post now. Any way.................. Still happy.
  5. Hello, Lately when I connect to AV I am getting put on US servers - latency is good. But should I be more concerned about privacy? Those US servers are under US laws - Homeland security. Think they are monitored different that non US servers. So I switch to non US serves with a close latency. I am sort of waiting for the day when all governments tell us VPN services that do not have logging are to be banished... Thoughts? Comments? Thanks, Mr. V
  6. Hi. Can you please clarify a point that is worrying me. I have seen stated in a number of places that AirVPN only keeps logs in RAM, and that these are sent to dev/null. How does this square with the fact that I can access detailed session history (including timestamps and connection times) on my Archive page (which is enabled by default)?
  7. This may or may not be the right area for this, so I apologize in advance if it's not and would love it moved to the correct location. I've been very happy with AirVPN for about a year and a half now, after looking into details as best I knew how. I'm not unhappy in any way, but I would like any clarification about the ranking/rating/evaluation of AirVPN in https://thatoneprivacysite.net/simple-vpn-comparison-chart/ There is a simplified rating of various categories in the page body and then a little lower down is a link to a spreadsheet with more detail. From what I can tell, AirVPN still hits about all the bases I'm concerned with, but I'd love to have information that this review is lacking under the Activity, Connection, Leak Protection, and in categories that have no data. If not only for the additional information, I think it'd be great if I could email the host of this rating schema and help him fill in the missing data and update anything that seems incorrect in order to best represent the wonderful product that is AirVPN.
  8. Source: http://www.hacker10.com/internet-anonymity/man-using-hidemyass-vpn-to-harass-ex-girlfriend-arrested/ P.S. Note that this popular provider was acquired last year by AVG. While I have no way to verify the authenticity of this story, the lesson to take home is that a provider that was keeping logs in 2011, is likely to do the so in the future, no matter what they are claiming. Try to avoid being lured by providers who offer cheap prices and large availability of countries, this usually comes at a price of your privacy. Remember that only a small amount of cases actually reach the media.
  9. Hiya Just started using your service and I much say it rocks so far! Started to use the new beta client (Eddie) and saw something and just wanna know why that's happening. When you connect to a VPN and download stuff you'll see that on the site, but when you disconnect it's gone. But i've noticed that with the new client when you connect to a new VPN and you take a look at the stats you'll see VPN total download and upload and it it's the same number as what was on the site (before it got delete). It doesn't matter to which one you connect it keeps a record of the overal download size (and upload) where are these records saved on the pc in use? or on your systems? Thanks for clearing this up. PS I know its stored some where local but dont have a clue where to find it
  10. So I saw a post about this incident a while ago, except it was based on a message board discussion that was in Dutch making hard for non-Dutch-speakers to follow. However, now a post in English has been written about it here: http://www.wipeyourdata.com/other-data-erasing/no-logs-earthvpn-user-arrested-after-police-finds-logs/ Basically a user of EarthVPN - which claims to be non-logging - was presented with logged evidence that he had made bomb threats against his school. EarthVPN claimed that this was because the datacenter had decided to start logging without them knowing. The author of this article suggests that a multi-hop VPN setup would make this IP transfer logging much less of a privacy concern. I posted a thread with related questions here but got no response: https://airvpn.org/topic/10638-entryexit-ip-addresses/ Is it possible that AirVPN servers could be vulnerable to this kind of datacenter logging, and if so does a multihop setup mitigate that risk? Is such a multihop setup already in place and to what extent?
  11. Hi, I'm a bit surprised to see that you are able to have top 10 stats on your site. That make me feel you are keeping some kind of logs for this. I wonder how this works out with your "no logs" policy ? Thanx for your Reply
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