Hello, since I am getting a new IP address every 24h, I was wondering if I am save. First info: I set up Comodo Firewall as described in the HowTo section "Windows & Comodo - Prevent leaks" and double checked if Windows Firewall is turned off. I do not forward any ports in my router or else. I connect to AirVPN, I start my download program. After running all this 24h, I get a new IP address from my provider. Now what is happening excactly? I suppose the following - but I am not sure! AirVPN "stopps working", I get a new IP address from my ISP, AirVPN is trying and trying meanwhile to reconnect - using NOW my new IP address. Ones the connection with AirVPN is back, my download program starts working again. During the "off time" (30 seconds) while getting a new IP address, my download program gets blocked, because Comodo blocks all traffic if not connected to AirVPN - right? See "Windows & Comodo - Prevent leaks". Can anyone please tell me if all this is correct and that I am save the way I do things now? Or does anything happens during the new IP re-assigments? Thanks in Advance!