Hi! I'm running Fedora 28 and wanted to use build in network manager to deal with vpn. Everything seems to work fine, but I noticed this text in Technical Specs section. VPN DNS addresses (private addresses, only reachable from inside the VPN): / fde6:7a:7d20:4::1 - reachable from any virtual subnet However, we recommend that your machine accepts the DNS push from our servers. If that's not possible, then we suggest to set the DNS IP address matching the VPN gateway IP address, as this is the safest method to prevent certain attacks based on hijacking. So is there something I should do? I tried to check this https://airvpn.org/topic/9608-how-to-accept-dns-push-on-linux-systems-with-resolvconf/ but couldn't find needed packages for fedora. I've also edited /etc/resolv.conf to only contain AirVPN DNS, because I sometimes saw unwanted DNS servers in Ipleak.net. I'm not too familiar with this stuff. But would like to try to go without Eddie for awhile, because random crashes and network lock once broke randomly, but I don't have debug log about that.