Hello guys, Just installed airvpn-bin-2.10.3-1 from yaourt and am trying to conect to a Swedish server but it keeps disconnecting and restarts itself endlessly. Locking the network does not help. I have tried changing DNS switchmode to 'Renaming' to no success. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Freindly greetings from Finland Here is the message from terminal 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - Starting Management Interface . 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - OpenVPN > Initialization Sequence Completed I 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - /etc/resolv.conf renamed to /etc/resolv.conf.airvpn as backup I 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - DNS of the system updated to VPN DNS (Rename method: /etc/resolv.conf generated) I 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - Flushing DNS I 2015.10.27 16:56:50 - Checking route W 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - Error: NameResolutionFailure ! 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - Disconnecting . 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - Management - Send 'signal SIGTERM' . 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - OpenVpn Management > >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info . 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: CMD 'signal SIGTERM' . 2015.10.27 16:56:51 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer