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Changelog - Bluetit

Changelog for Bluetit

Version 1.3.0 - 1 June 2023

- [ProMIND] added run control directive "airvpntype"
- [ProMIND] added client option "air-vpn-type"
- [ProMIND] added function default_port(): return default port number according to VPN type
- [ProMIND] vpn_type_description(): return full description of VPN type in use
- [ProMIND] airvpn_server_save(): added WireGuard profile export capability
- [ProMIND] airvpn_create_profile(): now requires server/country name or pattern
- [ProMIND] airvpn_create_profile(): added WireGuard profile creation capability
- [ProMIND] airvpn_country_info(); added continent management
- [ProMIND] airvpn_country_list(); added continent management
- [ProMIND] refactored VpnClient references to OpenVpnClient
- [ProMIND] domain names in OpenVPN profiles are always resolved and replaced with their corresponding IP addresses before submitting them to OpenVPN3
- [ProMIND] AirVPN server provided by the client is now properly checked against country's white and black lists as well
- [ProMIND] AirVPN continents provided by the client are now properly checked against country's and server's white and black lists
- [ProMIND] added run control directive "allowuservpnprofiles"
- [ProMIND] AirVPN country connection now checks for country's existence in AirVPN infrastructure
- [ProMIND] Improved override settings management, in particular when a user configuration profile is used
- [ProMIND] removed references to LocalNetwork::IPEntry and replaced with IPAddress and IPFamily
- [ProMIND] stop_connection_thread(): access to function is now regulated by a semaphore in order to avoid any possible race condition
- [ProMIND] stop_connection_stats_thread(): access to function is now regulated by a semaphore in order to avoid any possible race condition
- [ProMIND] Server D-Bus keys tls_ciphers, tls_suite_ciphers and data_ciphers respectively renamed as openvpn_tls_ciphers, openvpn_tls_suite_ciphers and openvpn_data_ciphers in airvpn_server_info dataset
- [ProMIND] Server D-Bus keys airvpn_server_tls_ciphers, airvpn_server_tls_suite_ciphers and airvpn_server_data_ciphers respectively renamed as airvpn_server_openvpn_tls_ciphers, airvpn_server_openvpn_tls_suite_ciphers and airvpn_server_openvpn_data_ciphers in airvpn_server_info dataset
- [ProMIND] Added server D-Bus keys openvpn_available, wireguard_available, wireguard_ciphers, airvpn_server_openvpn_available, airvpn_server_wireguard_available and airvpn_server_wireguard_ciphers  in airvpn_server_info dataset
- [ProMIND] Added server D-Bus keys timestamp and next_tupdate_timestamp to connection_stats, airvpn_server_info, airvpn_server_list, airvpn_country_info and airvpn_country_list datasets
- [ProMIND] Added country D-Bus keys timestamp and next_tupdate_timestamp to connection_stats, airvpn_server_info, airvpn_server_list, airvpn_country_info and airvpn_country_list datasets
- [ProMIND] Added server D-Bus keys pfs_available to airvpn_server_info dataset and airvpn_server_pfs_available to connection_stats dataset
- [ProMIND] Added server D-Bus keys supports_ipv4 and supports_ipv6 respectively renamed to ipv4_available and ipv6_available in airvpn_server_info dataset
- [ProMIND] start_airvpn_connection(): added AirVPN server availability check
- [ProMIND] establish_openvpn_connection(): added proxy host and port check
- [ProMIND] Bluetit D-Bus event's payload is now a vector of strings (see developer's reference manual)
- [ProMIND] added connection statistics to the system log when raising "event_disconnected"


Version 1.2.1 - 9 December 2022

- [ProMIND] production release


Version 1.2.1 RC 1 - 30 November 2022

- [ProMIND] updated all dependencies and libraries
- [ProMIND] package is now realeased both for OpenSSL 3.0 and OpenSSL 1.1.x (legacy)
- [ProMIND] airvpn_server_save() now correctly returns a proper error in case an invalid user key has been provided
- [ProMIND] added RC option forbidquickhomecountry
- [ProMIND] DBUS method BT_METHOD_NETWORK_LOCK_STATUS now returns the description of firewall backend in use


Version 1.2.0 - 22 March 2022

- [ProMIND] production release


Version 1.2.0 RC 3 - 17 March 2022

- [ProMIND] do not check for supported ciphers in OpenVPN config file in case eval.cipher is empty
- [ProMIND] establish_openvpn_connection() returns false in case of client's event error or fatal error
- [ProMIND] connection and connection stats threads are now stopped by dedicated functions stop_connection_thread() and void stop_connection_stats_thread() respectively
- [ProMIND] improved error management at connection time


Version 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022

- [ProMIND] Added list_data_ciphers dbus method
- [ProMIND] Added list_pushed_dns dbus method
- [ProMIND] Check and validate requested data cipher according to VpnClient's supported ciphers
- [ProMIND] Shows server information summary at the end of connection process via VpnClient connected event
- [ProMIND] Normalized (extended) bool values for options allowuaf, compress and network-lock


Version 1.2.0 RC 1 - 15 February 2022

- [ProMIND] Same as Beta 1


Version 1.2.0 Beta 1 - 7 February 2022

- [ProMIND] White and black lists are now properly checked when connecting to an AirVPN server or country
- [ProMIND] In case there are white lists defined, quick connection will ignore the connection scheme priority
- [ProMIND] Added "africa" and "oceania" to continent/country connection process
- [ProMIND] Added SSL library version to startup log
- [ProMIND] Removed ipv6 option and replaced with allowuaf option (Allow Unused Address Families) in order to comply to the new OpenVPN3 specifications
- [ProMIND] Added DBus method ssl_library_version
- [ProMIND] btcommon.hpp: added normalized client options and descriptions
- [ProMIND] add_airvpn_bootstrap_to_network_lock(): added support for AirVPN IPv6 bootstrap servers


Version 1.1.0 - 4 June 2021

- [ProMIND] Client option "network-lock" is now forbidden in case persistent network lock is enabled
- [ProMIND] Avoid network lock initialization in case persistent network lock is enabled and client is requiring a OpenVPN connection from profile
- [ProMIND] --air-list option now accepts "all" for sub options --air-server and --air-country
- [ProMIND] AirVPN Manifest update suspended in case Bluetit is in a dirty status
- [ProMIND] Changed systemd unit in order to prevent the obnoxious SIGKILL signal inappropriately sent before stop timeout completion and for no logical or practical reason when Bluetit is properly and neatly terminating in response to a legal and expected SIGTERM


Version 1.1.0 RC 4 - 14 May 2021

- [ProMIND] Added directives airipv6 and air6to4 in bluetit.rc
- [ProMIND] In case it is requested a network recovery, VpnClient object is now initialized with NetFilter::Mode::OFF
- [ProMIND] In case the requested network lock method is not available, connection is not started
- [ProMIND] In case system location cannot be determined through ipleak.net, country is now properly set to empty, latitude and longitude to 0.
- [ProMIND] Persistent network lock is enabled only in case Bluetit status is clean
- [ProMIND] AirVPN boot connection is started only in case Bluetit status is clean
- [ProMIND] DNS backup files are now properly evaluated when determining dirty status
- [ProMIND] Added D-Bus commands "reconnect_connection" and "session_reconnect"


Version 1.1.0 RC 3 - 16 April 2021

- [ProMIND] Release Candidate 3


Version 1.1.0 RC 2 - 13 April 2021

- [ProMIND] Release Candidate 2


Version 1.1.0 RC 1 - 7 April 2021

- [ProMIND] Release Candidate 1


Version 1.1.0 Beta 2 - 2 April 2021

- [ProMIND] Gateway and gateway interface check at startup. Bluetit won't proceed until both gateway and gateway interface are properly set up by the system
- [ProMIND] Increased volume and rate data sizes for 32 bit architectures
- [ProMIND] Added aircpher directive to bluetit.rc
- [ProMIND] Added maxconnretries directive to bluetit.rc


Version 1.1.0 Beta 1 - 11 March 2021

- [ProMIND] Updated base classes
- [ProMIND] connection_stats_updater(): now uses server.getEffectiveBandWidth() for AIRVPN_SERVER_BANDWIDTH
- [ProMIND] added bool shutdownInProgress to control bluetit exit procedure and avoid signal flooding
- [ProMIND] system location is detected at boot time and eventually propagated to all AirVPN users
- [ProMIND] Network lock and filter is now enabled and activated before AirVPN login procedure
- [ProMIND] Added dbus methods "enable_network_lock", "disable_network_lock" and "network_lock_status"
- [ProMIND] Renamed bluetit.rc directive "airconnectonboot" to "airconnectatboot"
- [ProMIND] Added bluetit.rc directive "networklockpersist"


Version 1.0.0 - 7 January 2021

- [ProMIND] Production release
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